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04/20/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/20/1987 Council Minutes
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10/23/2014 12:31:00 PM
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10/23/2014 12:22:19 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 20, 1987 <br />1984 with a 576 square foot garage and blacktop driveway. It was <br />listed as a completed dwelling. Mr. Doyle said it was not completed. <br />Mr. Marier moved to have Ms. Bockniak go and review Mr. Doyle's <br />property. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />John McLean. 2040 Otter Lake Drive - Mr. McLean said he owns some <br />lakeshore lots and noted the value of the property went up on the lots <br />from 24% to 41%. He asked if this was in line with what was happening <br />throughout the City. Ms. Bockniak said that lakeshore property was <br />increased and this is consistant with what has happened to other <br />lakeshore property. Ms. Bockniak noted that the Assessor probably <br />made a study of values and increased the lakeshore property according <br />to the outcome of the study. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to have the County Assessor look at properties <br />listed by Mr. McLean. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />George DeGeer, 7609 Peltier Lake Drive - Mr. DeGeer told the Council <br />that his property value jumped $16,000. He noted that compared to the <br />neighbors his house is considerably smaller and his value is higher. <br />Mrs. Roisum had told him there was an error in his valuation and he <br />should be receiving word of the change. Mr. DeGeer noted that his <br />land value has risen from $8,500 to $22,000. He asked why lakeshore <br />property increased and non - lakeshore did not increase. Mayor Benson <br />explained that lakeshore owners do pay a premium for living on the <br />lake. Mr. DeGeer did not agree with this statement. He did not think <br />lake property is any more valuable than non - lakeshore property. He <br />said this was unreasonable. Mr. Marier told Mr. DeGeer that he was <br />told that Lino Lakes lakeshore property did not keep up with the <br />increase in value because of the lack of sales of lakeshore in Lino <br />Lakes. Mr. DeGeer said if he was not in agreement with the change in <br />value that will be coming from the County he will appear at the County <br />Board of Review. <br />Ms. Bockniak said she would run a study of lakeshore property in Lino <br />Lakes to determine if it is consistant throughout Lino Lakes. This <br />will be done before the County Board of Review. <br />Brad Racutt, 998 Lois Lane - Mr. Racutt explained his house was built <br />in 1985 and he did not agree with the market value established for his <br />property. He asked if the City appraisal could be attacked by an <br />independent appraiser. Ms. Bockniak explained that the market value <br />on his property is $156,300 and noted that the house is larger than <br />average and is a class four dwelling which is a better class. Mr. <br />PAGE 2 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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