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05/11/1987 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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10/23/2014 3:30:10 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />101 <br />COUNCIL MEETING MAY 11, 1987 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 7:02 P.M. by Mayor Benson. Members present: Marier, Bisel, <br />Bohjanen, Reinert. Members absent: none. City Attorney, Bill <br />Hawkins; Engineer, Ron Stahlberg; Building Inspector, Pete Kluegel; <br />Chief of Police, Dean Campbell; Administrator, Randy Schumacher and <br />Clerk - Treasurer, Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Ways and Means Council Meeting. April 27. 1987 - Mr. Bohjanen moved to <br />approve these minutes as presented. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Regular Council Meeting, April 27. 1987 - Mr. Bisel moved to approve <br />these minutes as presented. Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS <br />April 30, 1987 - Mr. Marier moved to approve these Disbursements as <br />presented. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />May 11, 1987 - Mr. Bisel moved to approve these Disbursements as <br />presented. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Jean Imolte, Outlot F - Mrs. Imholte accompanied by her husband told <br />the Council that since the Council decided that the Outlot was to be <br />divided and sold to the adjoining landowner, she has not been included <br />in any drawing showing that she would receive a portion of the Outlot. <br />A new map has been drawn and again she has been omitted. Mr. <br />Schumacher explained that the drawings show a logical extension of the <br />lot lines and in this situation there is not enough area to divide. <br />He also noted that this issue has not been a high priority and not <br />much has been done in the last few months. Mr. Schumacher explained <br />the drainage issue is the current concern of the Council and until <br />this is resolved there will be no division of the Outlot. Mr. <br />Stahlberg displayed the preliminary plat map of Outlot F. Mr. Reinert. <br />asked what the original letter to the property owners in that area <br />said. Mrs. Anderson explained. Mr. Reinert felt that the property <br />owners who wanted to get more land and pay more taxes should have a <br />chance. Mr. Stahlberg explained that the lot lines were only <br />
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