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05/11/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
05/11/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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102 <br />COUNCIL MEETING MAY 11, 1987 <br />preliminary. Mayor Benson felt that in this case it might not be easy <br />or practical. <br />Mayor Benson asked that the staff make sure that consideration is <br />given to all adjacent landowners. Mrs. Imholte thanked the Council <br />for listening to her concern. <br />Candy St. Claire, 74th Street - Mrs. St. Claire said she has two <br />concerns. The first involves access to the park on Leonard and <br />Bradley Streets. There is an outlot that will someday be an extension <br />of 74th Street to the west. Mrs. St. Claire asked if this outlot <br />could be maintained as an access to the park. She noted that her <br />children are small and she does not want them to go the long distance <br />on the street to the park. The second concern is the condition of <br />74th Street. She noted that she has lived in her house for five years <br />and nothing has been done with 74th although it is a city street with <br />signs and is maintained from time to time. Mr. Kluegel explained that <br />Mr. Menkveld owns a lot on the north side of 74th and he said he would <br />be willing to participate in the cost of upgrading this street. It <br />was also noted that the City owns Outlot G which would be the southern <br />right of way if this street were to be upgraded. <br />Mayor Benson asked that Mr. Kluegel and Mr. Schumacher follow through <br />with Mr. Menkveld to determine the interest in upgrading 74th Street <br />and determine a firm date when he is interested in seeing it <br />completed. He also asked that Mrs. St. Claire talk to Mr. Volk and <br />the Park Board regarding access to the park. He told Mrs. St. Claire <br />that the staff would followup and respond to her concerns by letter. <br />Steve Nice, 6509 - 24th Street - Mr. Nice explained that he <br />represented several landowners who were opposed to the plan to change <br />the land zoning in his area. Currently the requirements are one <br />dwelling per ten acres and the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan is <br />considering one dwelling per two and one half acres. Mr. Nice felt <br />that since sewer is not intended to be extended into this area until <br />well after the year 2000, the potential for contamination will <br />increase. He also noted that his neighbors felt the Council was being <br />pushed into considering smaller land requirements by potential <br />developers and were not considering the desires of the present <br />residents. <br />Mayor Benson thanked Mr. Nice for appearing tonight. <br />STATUS REPORT FROM THE CENTENNIAL FIRE COMMISSION - NEAL BENJAMIN <br />Mr. Benjamin told the Council that he was before the Council tonight <br />because of their request to answer three questions raised at the <br />previous council meeting. <br />
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