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05/26/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/26/1987 Council Minutes
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118 <br />COUNCIL MEETING MAY 26, 1987 <br />Mayor Benson told Mr. and Mrs. O'Conner that the Council would take <br />the petition under advisement and this will be placed on a future <br />agenda when additional information is gathered regarding this matter. <br />The O'Connors will be notified when this item is placed on the agenda. <br />PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED OAK WILT PILOT PROJECT, KEN HOLMAN, <br />DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE <br />Mr. Holman introduced himself to the Council and described the <br />proposed Oak Wilt Pilot Project to the Council. Additional <br />information had been provided to the Council in their packets. Mr. <br />Holman noted that the project has already begun and Lino Lakes has <br />been designated a target area for the start of this project because of <br />the large number of red oak trees in the City and the potential for <br />spreading the disease throughout the state. He explained that a <br />device called a vibrating plow was being used to control the spread of <br />the disease through the root system and that this device is being <br />provided by the Department of Natural Resources. Mr. Holman described <br />some sources of funding available for this project and said the only <br />thing requested from Lino Lakes is that a portion of Mike Hoffman's <br />time be designated for the project. Mr. Volk had already told Mr. <br />Holman that this was in the budget for 1987. Mr. Holman also told the <br />Council that the Department of Natural Resources will also provide <br />technical assistance and some work. He also noted that this was just <br />the beginning of his work because he hoped to get funding to provide <br />the vibrating plow to other communites who are trying to control the <br />spread of Oak Wilt. <br />Mayor Benson thanked Mr. Holman for the information he has provided. <br />CONSIDERATION OF A PETITION FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET <br />FOR SOUTH RESHANAU LAKE ESTATES <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that a petition with signatures from twenty <br />five residents had been received requesting that a EAW be completed <br />for Mr. Uhde's proposed new subdivision. He noted that the sketch <br />plan for this plat indicates that there will be 162 homes in the plat. <br />However, at this time Mr. Uhde is just platting thirty six homes. The <br />law requires that an EAW be completed for every new subdivision with <br />one hundred or more homes. Since the plat will be for only thirty six <br />homes an EAW will not be required. However, the Council has the <br />authority to require an EAW if the Council feels there may an adverse <br />affect to the environment because of the proposed plat. At this point <br />the Council must address the concerns of the petitioners and the <br />petitioners must prove adverse affects of the plat. <br />Mr. Ron Swenson, 6310 Red Maple Lane represented the petitioners and <br />outlined the concerns as listed on the petition. Mr. Swenson explained <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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