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10/06/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/06/1986 Council Minutes
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BUDGET MEETING <br />October 6, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />where the Fire Commission stands on operating the two fire <br />halls as opposed to establishing a new fire hall in Lino <br />Lakes. Mr. Neal explained that the budget submitted by <br />the Fire Commission has money allocated for startup of the <br />Lino Lakes station. However, if the proposed budget is not <br />completely funded, Mr. Benjamin felt it would be more im- <br />portant to keep the present buildings operating. Mayor <br />Benson noted that when the Fire District was formed, Lino <br />Lakes was told the district had all the equipment it needed <br />for the Lino Lakes station. Mr. Benjamin explained the <br />district has all the rolling stock for the Lino Lakes station; <br />however, there would be startup costs such as training and <br />utilities. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Benjamin if the Fire Commission felt <br />the buildings or the materials were more in need. Mr. <br />Benjamin said he felt it was important to get the Lino Lakes <br />station operational. Mayor Benson asked if the Lino Lakes <br />station should be brought up to useable status. Mr. Benja- <br />min felt it was not necessary to add on to the building <br />right now, just make the space there functional. Mr. Schumacher <br />said what he is hearing from Mr. Benjamin is that the Fire <br />District already has its two fire stations at 85% and the <br />District would like them at 100% before improving the Lino <br />Lakes stations. Mayor Benson asked Mr. Benjamin if his re- <br />commendation is not adding on to the Lino Lakes station at <br />this time and use the money to improve what is there. Mr. <br />Benjamin said the building is needed and the District would <br />like to see it functional, the question is to what extent <br />the building needs to be modified. Mr. Volk said three <br />overhead doors would need to be installed before it can be <br />functional. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained he feels that spending $40,000.00 <br />to upgrade the Lino Lakes station may not be timely in 1987. <br />There is no need to add on to the building if the Fire <br />District will be using all the budget money to continue <br />upgrading the other two stations. <br />Mr. Schumacher outlined the surpluses that he is projecting <br />in the 1986 budget and referred to the handout entitled <br />"Additional Sources of Revenue ". He also reviewed the in- <br />creased revenue projected for 1986 in the amount of $60,000.00. <br />The 1987 preliminary budget expenses were reduced and he is <br />estimating $106,350.00 total revenue which may be used in <br />the 1987 budget. He felt these were maximum projections. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the issues that were not funded in <br />the 1987 budget. He felt the Council should consider using <br />1 <br />
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