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12/22/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/22/1986 Council Minutes
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078 <br />BUDGET MEETING <br />December 22, 1986 <br />IThe Budget Meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M. by Mayor Benson. <br />Members present: Marier, Bisel, Reinert, Bohjanen. Members absent: <br />None. Public Works Director, Don Volk; Chief of Police, Dean Camp- <br />bell; Administrator, Randy Schumacher, and Clerk- Treasurer, Marilyn <br />Anderson were also present. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the materials sent to the Council for this <br />meeting and recommended that the Council approve funding for Items <br />under the First and Second priority; Remodel fire barn (two doors <br />and insulation), Surface water management plan, siren program, two <br />replacement radar units, overlay program $44,000). The balance of <br />funds should be added to the surplus. <br />Mr. Marier said it was his understanding that if the Council approved <br />a 2.5 mill increase all the priority programs as outlined on October <br />6, 1986 could be implemented. The mill increase was approved and <br />he asked why all programs were not being implemented. Mr. Schumacher <br />explained that all the programs added to a total of $320,000 and <br />there is only $155,350, so some programs have to be restricted or cut <br />out entirely. He said it would be a Council decision as to where the <br />monies should be spent. He asked the Council to direct him as to what <br />programs they wish to be funded. <br />IMayor Benson asked Mr. Schumacher to recommend to the Council what he <br />feels should be funded and why. Mr. Schumacher explained priorities <br />one and two are essential. He felt under priority three the four <br />wheel drive rescue vehicle should be delayed and instead another squad <br />car purchased. One squad is in the Police Department budget, however <br />if the department waits until 1988 they will have to purchase three <br />squads. <br />Chief Campbell was asked if the four wheel drive vehicle would serve <br />as another patrol car. Chief Campbell said, no it would not be used in <br />pursuit, but only for emergencies and hard to get to areas. He es- <br />timated that such a vehicle would serve the department up to five <br />years. Chief Campbell was asked if this vehicle could also be used <br />in the Public Works Department. Chief Campbell explained that be- <br />cause of the emergency equipment and radios, it could only be used <br />as a police vehicle. Mr. Volk agreed saying it would be strictly <br />outfitted for police use. <br />It was determined that Chief Campbell was requesting a full size Bla- <br />zer, Bronco style vehicle, equipped only for police use for emergencies <br />and to be used in inaccessible areas as well as for backup on a very <br />limited basis. Mr. Bisel asked if a fire vehicle could be used for <br />such an emergency and Chief Campbell said this has been done. There <br />were other suggestions such as using a four wheel drive pickup similar <br />Ito a Chevy S10. It was explained these vehicles did not have enough <br />ground clearance and there would not be enough room for all the emer- <br />gency equipment. A full size unit would be equipped with a stretcher, <br />but would not be intended for transporting victims. It was also de- <br />termined that no police department in the area has such a vehicle. The <br />county rangers do use such a vehicle. <br />
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