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01/12/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/12/1987 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />065 <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />January 12, 1987 <br />A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Benson. Council members present: Marier, Bisel, <br />Bohjanen, Reinert. Public Works Director, Don Volk; Building Inspec- <br />tor, Pete Kluegel; Engineer, Ron Stahlberg; Administrator, Randy Schu- <br />macher and Clerk - Treasurer Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />Mayor Benson explained the purpose of the meeting is for a preliminary <br />review of the preliminary plats of D. Erickson's 2nd Addition and Gary <br />Uhde's South Reshanau Shores Estates. <br />Mr. Stahlberg gave the Council a handout that summarizes the potential <br />growth in the areas of the Uhde plat and the Erickson plat. He ex- <br />plained that he is researching the background on the force main that <br />runs from Black Duck Drive to Shoreview. It is his understanding that <br />a gravity main was planned but never installed. He is trying to de- <br />termine who will pay for upgrading the force main once it reaches its <br />capacity. It also is his understanding that Metro Waste Control will <br />install and pay for a gravity main if this main flows through one City <br />to service another. This would not be the case in Lino Lakes and ap- <br />parently Lino Lakes would have to fund a gravity main if one is in- <br />stalled. Mr. Marier gave the background of the force main as he re- <br />called it. <br />Sanitary Sewer - Mr. Stahlberg foresees the need to upgrade the lift <br />station at Shenandoah. If this happens, his preliminary redommendation <br />for the Uhde plat would be to run a sewer line to feed into the line <br />at Arrowhead Drive. His recommendation is to run the sewer line from <br />Erickson's plat to the lift station on Black Duck. Metro Council has <br />recently alloted Lino Lakes another 714 sewer hookups which will <br />easily accommodate both the Uhde and Erickson plats. <br />Mayor Benson asked how the City would respond to a request for sewer <br />east of the Erickson plat? Mr. Stahlberg explained there appears to <br />be a natural division in this area and probably a sewer line would <br />run east to Centerville Road and then south to the lift station just <br />south of Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Reinert asked about the natural storm water flow from each of <br />these plats. Mr. Stahlberg explained that the current natural flow <br />will be maintained and it is required that no platted area can dis- <br />charge flow at a rate larger than what is currently occurring. The <br />flow from Ericksons will be piped to the holding pond in the plat <br />and the overflow will be controlled to the county ditch south of the <br />plat. The Uhde storm water will be piped to various holding ponds <br />within the plat and then discharged into the ditch that runs north <br />to Reshanau Lake. All flow from the plats must meet RCWD require- <br />ments. Mr. Reinert expressed his concern for the need of a city <br />wide storm water management plan. <br />
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