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02/09/1987 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/09/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />February 9, 1987 <br />Mayor Benson called to order the regular meeting of the Lino Lakes <br />City Council at 7:08 P.M., Monday, February 9, 1987. Councilmembers <br />present: Marier, Bisel, Bohjanen, Reinert. Also present were Mr. <br />Hawkins, City Attorney; Mr. Schumacher, City Administrator; Mr. <br />Stahlberg, City Engineer; and Mrs. Foster, Secretary. <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br />Special Meeting - January 26, 1987 - Mr. Bisel moved to approve the <br />minutes of the 1/26/87 meeting as present. Mr. Bohjanen seconded <br />the motion which carried unanimously. <br />Regular Meeting - January 26, 1987 - Mr. Stahlberg noted that a <br />change should be made to page 15 of the minutes, paragraph 4, wherein <br />the figures "$17.50" and "$22.50" should be changed to "$1,750" <br />and "$2,250 ". Mr. Marier moved to approve the 1/26/87 minutes with <br />this change. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion which carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF DISBURSEMENTS <br />January 31, 1987 Disbursements - Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve the <br />1/31/87 disbursements. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion which carried <br />unanimously. <br />February 9, 1987 Disbursements - Mr. Marier moved to approve the <br />2/9/87 disbursements. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion which carried <br />unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />No one was scheduled or appeared under Open Mike. <br />INTERVIEW OF POTENTIAL PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS <br />The Council interviewed four candidates for vacancy(ies) on the <br />Planning and Zoning Board - Tom Weirnes, Charles Prokop, Allen Irwin, <br />and Jeff Joyer. A fifth applicant, Elmer Crohn, was not available <br />for interview. The four men interviewed gave a brief summation of <br />his background and qualifications and answered six basic questions <br />relative to the position. Councilmembers also asked for various <br />additional information from each candidate. (Candidates were inter- <br />viewed separately while other candidates were excused from the meet- <br />ing.) Mayor Benson thanked each interviewee and explained that <br />a decision would be made later during tonight's meeting. <br />CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 03 -87 AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO CHANGE <br />THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM SEVEN <br />TO FIVE <br />The question of seven or five member Planning and Zoning Board arose <br />when Mr. Bisel suggested a five member board for the purpose of <br />streamlining the duties and procedures of the Planning and Zoning <br />Board. <br />1 <br />
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