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06/27/1988 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06/27/1988 Council Minutes (2)
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1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 27, 1988 <br />*18 be reduced from 500 feet to 300 feet as a buffer from <br />the Anoka County Park property and *20 be dropped until this <br />becomes a state rquirement. Mr. Hawkins suggested adding a <br />21st requirement stating, "these stated conditions take <br />precident over all other material governing this property ". <br />Dave Kelso, Pollution Control Agency - Mr. Kelso explained <br />he conducted the noise study at the site and noted that <br />legally there are no noise restrictions to be met. He <br />conducted tests with a shotgun and a pistol and compared the <br />noise to Mr. Vaughans combine. The guns discharging were no <br />louder than the combine. Mr. Bisel noted there is quite a <br />difference between a constant running of an engine as <br />compared to occassional gun discharges. He compared this <br />noise to the noise he hears on the freeway. <br />Bill Nadeau, 6689 - 20th Avenue noted the DNR requires that <br />signs be posted at a minimum of 500 feet apart. He did not <br />see any signs on this property. It was noted the signs have <br />been posted but disappear. They have been posted again. <br />Mr. Nadeau referred to an article in a local newspaper which <br />stated that some game birds are released and find their way <br />into the natural environment. Mr. Nadeau has checked with <br />the DNR and they indicated these birds would probably die <br />and therefore this is not a good reason for releasing birds. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked about the size of the hunting parties. It <br />was eplained there would be four parties of four persons at <br />one time. A question concerning if the Police Department <br />would have jurisdiction on the game farm was asked. Mr. <br />Hawkins explained the police could not investigate unless <br />they had reason to believe a crime was committed. However, <br />he noted the Council could require a regulation that would <br />allow for unannounced inspections similar to safety <br />inspections. <br />Mr. Bisel said he has visited with people in this area. <br />Some are opposed and some do not care if the permit is <br />granted. He did feel a large percent were against the <br />issuance of a permit. He noted that although the noise <br />would not be illegal it would' be intrusive. Mr. Vaughan <br />asked Mr. Bisel if that meant he was opposed to all hunting <br />in Lino Lakes. Mr. Bisel said no, just the intensity that <br />is being considered here. <br />John McDonald, 6901 LaMotte Drive said he did not care to be <br />awaken at 5:00 A.M. by gun shots. He came here for the <br />peace and quiet. He said this is more than he can bear. <br />091 <br />
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