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02/27/1989 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/27/1989 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 27, 1989 <br />FEBRUARY 27, 1989 <br />Mayor Benson called the Work Session of the Lino Lakes City <br />Council to order, Monday, February 27, 1989 at 6:00 P.M. <br />Council Members present: Neal, Bohjanen, Reinert, Bisel. <br />Council Members absent: None. City Engineer, Ron Stahlberg; <br />Planner, John Miller and Clerk- Treasurer Marilyn Anderson <br />were also present. <br />DISCUSSION OF FIRE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF TUESDAY, <br />FEBRUARY 21, 1989 <br />Mr. Reinert gave a brief report of the meeting held on <br />February 21, 1989 with the Circle Pines and Centerville <br />representatives of the Steering Committee. He noted that <br />there is more opposition from Centerville than Circle Pines <br />to the suggestion that the funding formula be changed. He <br />also explained that the three Administrators from the three <br />communities met on Friday and there was no further progress. <br />He asked if the Steering Committee cannot get past the <br />funding issue, where would this Council like their <br />representatives to go. A Steering Committee meeting has been <br />set for Monday, March 6, 1989 here. <br />Mr. Neal told the Council that he had received a telephone <br />call from Mr. Bruen, Fire District Chairman who explained <br />that if rescue calls were the problem, they could be stopped <br />in Lino Lakes. Mr. Reinert said this was not the issue. He <br />said that there should be an agreement that the Fire <br />Department has a certain dollar value for each community <br />whether it is part of the district or a city owned <br />department. Then the percentage factor would be added. <br />Neither Circle Pines or Centerville has offered any <br />alternatives. <br />Mayor Benson asked if the negotiators should bend on this <br />issue. He noted that they have offered to separate <br />residential considerations from the commercial. Mayor Benson <br />has also asked that Mr. Schumacher prepare some five and ten <br />year cost projections for what a Lino Lakes Fire Department <br />would cost. This calculation should take into consideration <br />the expected population increase in Lino Lakes. This would <br />be useful in explaining to the other two cities that Lino <br />Lakes could be financially better off by starting their own <br />fire department at this time. Mr. Bisel explained that this <br />was his concern from the beginning. <br />Mayor Benson explained that if Circle Pines and Centerville <br />budge on the financial issue, they would ask for a long term <br />agreement from Lino Lakes. Mr. Reinert noted that it usually <br />takes several meetings to come to a "meeting of thought ". He <br />said he is looking forward to a more open acceptance at the <br />next meeting. <br />-Mr. Bisel asked Mr. Reinert and Mayor Benson to find out what <br />' <br />the-other two Cities are thinking and not budge at this point <br />
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