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05/28/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/28/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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May 28, 1974 <br />The Clerk had received a questionare from International City Management Association. <br />Mr. Zelinka had looked it over and said this is a private corporation. They amass <br />this information and then sell it. He suggested that the Clerk write to the company <br />informing them if they will pay the $50.00 it would cost to assemble the information, <br />then we will be glad to answer the questionare. <br />The Clerk reminded the Council that the planned use report for the Federal Revenu <br />Sharing for the fiscal year July l;, 1974 to June 30, 1975 must be in Washington <br />by June 24, 1974. She was instructed to put this on the agenda for the June 10, <br />1974 meeting and to make a copy of the work sheet and mail to all Council members. <br />The minutes could now be considered since the arrival of Mr. Zelinka. Mr. Zelinka <br />moved to approve the minutes of May 13, 1974 as presented. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried with Mr. Marier abstaining. <br />The Clerk had received a letter from Mr. Dougherty of the Metro Sewer Board with <br />a copy of the letter that he had written to the Metro Council in reference to the <br />Lino Lakes - Centerville interceptor. All Council members have copies. <br />The Clerk presented a list of sign permits to be approved. These are numbers 49, 56, <br />57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 72, 78 and 74. Mr. Marier moved to approve these sign permits. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />There were four signs removed; Random Inc., two ( #34 & #35) for Mr. "T's" and Cut <br />your own pine. The Francis Drake Hotel sign on Highway #8 is still up and there <br />has been no response for the orginazation. The Clerk was instructed to write giving <br />them the information in the Ordinance pertaining to the removal of this sign. The <br />Able Steel Systems sign has been removed and there is one Grain Belt , s -ign at <br />Hemauer's Liquor store that has not been paid for as yet. <br />A list of purchaseres of the property sold at the Forfeit Land Sale had been sent <br />from the Auditor's office. One lot in the Lexington Park Lakeview area had been <br />sold. <br />The monthly report from the Lexington Fire Department had been received. There <br />were 14 calls, 254 man hours, 12 grass fires, 1 grass and shed, and 1 gas main for <br />the month of April. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Burman informing the Council that the County <br />Highway Department will be replacing the structure between George Watch Lake and <br />Peltier Lake. This will necessitate the closing of Main Street for about a month, <br />since the building of a bypass is too costly. Mr. Burman will notify the Council <br />when the bids are let. <br />Mr. Carlo Sooger of the Centennial School District appeared in conjunction with <br />the Community Education Program in that District. He asked the procedure he must <br />follow in order to be able to use the $1000.00 that had been budgeted for that <br />program. He said that the monies would be used for salaries, equipment and <br />supplies for the summer programs. <br />Mr. Marier and Mr. Zelinka asked how much he needed. Mr. Sooger said that he will <br />be having registration next week. This will give him a better base from which to <br />work toward the dollar amount necessary. The Council asked that he compile some <br />figures as to how many children from the Lino Lakes area participate in the <br />program. They felt that the Council could be left open for critisim if these <br />figures were not available. <br />
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