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05/28/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/28/1974 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />May 28, 1974 <br />Mr. Sooger said he would be glad to prepare this information for the Council. He <br />will send to the Clerk when finished. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked if any of the other communities were participating. <br />Mr. Sooger said that as of now, No, but there is an Advisory Council meeting on <br />Monday, June 3, 1974. He will at that time talk to the representatives of the <br />various communities and asked that they take this back to their respective Councils. <br />Mr. Conlin appeared.before_ the Council in .conjunction with the National Square Dance <br />Convention using Sunrise Park to camp in during the Convention. Mr. Conlin has <br />obtained approval for this camp out last year but since an Ordinance had been <br />passed governing the use of the Parks, he felt that he should appear before the <br />Council to clarify some points. He asked if he would need a special use permit for <br />the camping. There will be campers for three days with 6 units there 2 days prior <br />to the start. <br />Mr. McLean said that Mr. Conlin had been at the Park Board meeting and he had asked <br />him to talk to the Council. The Park Board had asked that there be no parking on <br />any of the ball diamond areas, some sort of bonding arrangement to insure cleanup, <br />Mr. McLean, Mr. Clausen and Mrs. Kendall will inspect the Park on Sunday evening. <br />Mr. Conlin said the bonding hadn't been mentioned before. The Boy Scouts will assist <br />in the clean-up and with the internal patrol while the campers are there. He assured <br />the Council that the Park will be left in as good if not better condition than when <br />they entered. The Campers will not leave until the Park is clean. They have arrange- <br />ments for sattelites and the request for the use of the phone in the warming house is <br />for emergency use only. <br />The Park Board has requested that if there is dancing in the Park that it not to <br />continue after midnight. <br />Mr. Conlin agreed to this stipulation and said that he had talked to the people who <br />live on Sunrise across from the Park and had found no objections. <br />The Park Board had asked that the Police Department be set up to assist and that the <br />City would not be responsible for any vandalism done during the camp out. <br />Mr. Conlin said that they have things set up so there will be 24 hour patrol by <br />their own people and they understood that the City would not be responsible for <br />vandalism. He said there would be somewhere between 100 and 300 units. There. will <br />be owner registration but these figures could vary. Mr. Conlin is the Camper Chairman. <br />His address is 5915 No. St. Albans, St. Paul, Minn. Phone 484 -5670. Mr. Robert <br />Sorenson, 1370 Jefferson, St. Paul, Minn. is President. Mr. Conlin said that they <br />have arranged with all three schools for their dancing. <br />Mr. Zelinka questioned to use of Liquor by the campers. Mr. Conlin said that very <br />few of the dancers drink and if they do it is very limited, things do not get out <br />of hand. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to grant a special use permit to the Circle Square Dancers to use <br />Sunrise Park for camping during the National Convention of Square Dancers. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried with Mr. Marier voting No. <br />
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