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06/10/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/10/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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8 <br />June 10, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 p.m. <br />by Mayor Bohjanen on June 10, 1974. Councilmen present; McLean, Zelinka. Absent; <br />Jaworski, Marier. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />The minutes of May 28, 1974 were corrected by inserting "Mr. Zelinka arrived" just <br />before the Clerk's report. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion <br />carried. <br />The Clerk's report included the following items: <br />A letter from the Department of Natural Resources announcing a meeting to discuss <br />a program proposed for Lino Lakes on laying out a bike trail corridor. No action <br />was taken on this. <br />Had made a copy of the Council minutes dealing with the acceptance of the portion <br />of Baldwin Lake Road that runs East for partial maintenance. This portion needs <br />some grader work. <br />All Councilmen have copies of the Police monthly report and a copy of Mr. Karl <br />Burandt's report dealing with the interceptor. <br />A meeting scheduled for June 25, 1974 dealing with housing relocation. <br />A letter from the Minnesota Metropolitan Training Center questioning the possibility <br />of special assessments being levied within the next two years. The Council felt that <br />at this time there would not be any specials within this perod of time. <br />A letter from the Metropolitan Council giving the estimated population of Lino <br />Lakes as of April 1, 1974 as 4,172. <br />A letter from Senator John Milton to Commissioner Lappegaard in regards to the <br />interchange at County :toad 14 and Interstate 35W. <br />A letter from Mr. William Merritt of the State Highway department to Mr. Lundheim <br />on the same subject. <br />Received a request from the Minnesota Building Movers Assocation in reference to <br />the installation of utility lines, power lines and traffic signals, etc., they <br />would like a corridor of street free of these installations for the use of moving <br />buildings. The Clerk was instructed to refer this to the P &Z. <br />Read a letter from Mr. Dougherty acknowledging the receipt of the list of names <br />requesting sewer installation in the Shenandoah plat. <br />Reported on the Application for the installation of a 4000 gallon gasoline tank at <br />Ed's Skelly. This installation has been approved by the State Fire Marshall. <br />Read a letter from Mr. Bruce Benson on the sand washing into Reshanau Lake from <br />the storm sewer in that area. The letter was turned over to Mr. Gotwald for action. <br />The Federal Revenue Sharing Planned report was discussed. Several suggestions were <br />considered with the final decision as; 25% for Police; 25% for Parks; 20% for Roads; <br />20% for Equipment and 10% for General use. Mr. McLean so moved to approve the Planned <br />use. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />
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