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06/11/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/11/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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12 <br />The minutes were approved at the June 24, 1974 meeting. <br />June 10, 1974 <br />Clerk -Tre a ure r <br />June 11, 1974 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 p.m. <br />on June 11, 1974 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; Jaworski, Marier, McLean, <br />Zelinka. Mr. Locher, Mr. Carley and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />Mr. Karl Burandt of the Metropolitan Council Staff was here to explain his report <br />dealing with the Lino Lakes - Centerville interceptor. Mr. Ray Payne of the Metro <br />Sewer Board was present. Mayor Prachar, Councilmen Murray, Burgue, Anderson and <br />L'Allier of Centerville and Mrs. Marcello, Centerville Clerk was also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen explained that this meeting had been scheduled for the purpose of <br />discussing Mr. Burandt's report. He turned the meeting over to Mr. Burandt. <br />Mr. Burandt gave the Mayors copies of Metro Development Framework Interim Policies <br />and a Metro Report. He read from the report which basically says that development <br />should be curtailed in the fringe area and the now sewered areas built up to <br />capacity before sewer lines are extended. These are the lands nearest the core <br />Cities. <br />He read the five points that set the tone of this report; <br />1) The plan should encourage contiguous development extending outward from the <br />core cities and fully developed suburbs without skipping over large open <br />areas already provided with central sewers. <br />2) The plan should not require other urban services to be prematurely provided <br />such as roads, schools, local utilities and governmental services. <br />3) The plan should not open up large areas to development with long expensive <br />sewer lines at an early date. <br />4) The plan should relieve pollution problems where necessary without inducing <br />development. <br />5) The plan should provide for meeting local sewer needs where necessary. <br />He went to detail as to why the Lino Lakes portion of the interceptor would be <br />brought to the City limits. He recommends that Centerville be sewered through the <br />Forest Lake interceptor and that this can be done with a full gravity flow system. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if he has consulted with the City Engineers and if he had used <br />the City's comprehensive land use plan in formulating this recommendation? <br />Mr. Burandt said that he had used the City's land use plan, the NSSSB report, MSB <br />studies and the North area study. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if all these reports had been consulted and studies why did his <br />
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