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07/08/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/08/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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July 8, 1974 <br />After discussion it was agreed to include this paragraph in the contact. <br />"Maintenance" shall only be deemed to be such work which is authorized by a <br />prior written work order signed in behalf of the parties hereto, but shall <br />not include snowplowing, it being agreed that the City has and shall continue <br />to provide snowplowing at no cost to U.S. Lakes nor shall such snowplowing be <br />deemed, in anyway to be acceptance of such private roadway by the City as a <br />City Street, Cartway or otherwise. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to accept the agreement to include maintance for a work order and <br />zero dollars for snowplowing. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried. With Mr. <br />Marier voting, No. <br />The Agreement and Contract for Law Enforcement with Centerville was discussed. <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that we should get the contract in force so that we can legally <br />get paid and then if there are any changes after this in our Law Enforcement Depart- <br />ment we will be able to negotiate the changes. Mr. Zelinka agreed. <br />There was discussion on the per capita rate. It was the general consensus that <br />cost per capita has gone up. <br />Mr. Marier moved to accept this contract at the present rate and inform Centerville <br />that termaination of the contract will be August 1, 1974. At which time cost per <br />capita will be refigured. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Reported that there are 3 signs in violation of our Ordinance No. 51. They are <br />Allan Robinson, William Hemauer, The Francis Drake Hotel. <br />Mr. Locher read the Ordinance Sec. Z and suggested to send letters to sign owners and <br />the property owners. Then if there is no comply remove the signs, <br />Mr. Marier moved to take action to remove these signs. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />There was an application from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to place buried <br />telephone cable in Rondeau Lake Drive west from Main Street north to Columbus <br />Township line. Mr. Gotwald stated that to his knowledge the application was in order. <br />Mr. Jaworski presented the cost of $150,000.00 for roads that were primed and sealed <br />in 1973. An additional $82,000.00 for patching, sealing and resurfacing of 4th Ave., <br />Hanson Rd., 24th Ave. North and Ware Rd. It is approximately 3 times the cost of <br />seal coat. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested to Rd. Mix the streets that we feel need it. Then seal some <br />of the roads that were road mixed last year. The cost for the entire program would <br />be $115,000.00 He also suggested to take the first mile and keep a very detailed <br />record of all material and cost. After that you will know what the actual cost <br />for the first square yard basis or mile basis. Based on that you can tell exactly <br />how much could be done this year. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier reported that he went to a meeting at the Metropolitan Council for the <br />Immediate Action Grant Program for Regional Parks. Anderson Lake in Bloomington, <br />they purchased 62 acres for $1,450,000.00. Anderson Lake in Eden Prairie, 84 acres <br />for $1,239,000.00. For Lino Lakes purchasing for immediate action 2,295 acres for <br />$1,798,075.00. Lake Elmo 1515 acres. At this meeting 32 million dollars for land <br />acquisition was spent in one night, with 20 people there. <br />
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