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07/22/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/22/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />July 22, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M. on July 22, 1974 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; Jaworski, <br />Marier, McLean, Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1974 meeting as <br />written. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Senator John Milton had held an informal meeting with the residents before <br />the Council meeting. Mayor Bohjanen asked if he would like to make a <br />statement to the audience. <br />Senator Milton said that he was here to sit in on the meeting and offer <br />his assistance in any way that he could - the areas of open space, sewer <br />or whatever. <br />Mr. McLean asked to read a portion of a statement that he had made at a <br />Metro Committee meeting dealing with open space. He had pointed out to the <br />committee that Lino Lakes has relinquished 2500 acres of land to open space. <br />He had reminded the committee of the agreement that the City of Lino Lakes <br />has with the County of Anoka on the further acquisition of land for open <br />space. He referred to the acceptance of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />by the Metro Council. The only open space included in that plan was the Chain <br />of Lakes project. No mention of the Otter Lake area was referred to at this <br />time. <br />Senator Milton pointed out that in Ramsey County, local Councils must approve <br />the proposal and local residents cannot be moved from their land. He felt that <br />at the present time communication lines are more open than ever before. <br />Mr. Marier commented that he felt that the Metro Council has lost contact with <br />the cities and counties and there is a danger in this to free governments. <br />Senator Milton thought that the Metro Council had never had a working <br />relationship with the local governments. He also believed that the Metro <br />Council does not have as much power as is commonly believed. He felt that <br />the Metro Council is a necessary unit and it is here to stay. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the one thing that the Metro Council fails to understand <br />is the fact that Lino Lakes is not in the position to give up more land for <br />Open Space. Our Comprehensive Sewer Plan has been agreed to by all concerned <br />but the Metro Council based it's decision on the recommendations of one man. <br />Mr. Jaworski wondered if this recommendation by the Development Committee is <br />adopted and the PCA outlaws on site septic systems, as this reports recommends, <br />this will mean that the Metro Council controls development; this in turn will <br />control assessed valuation, bonding power, taxes and the ability to provide the <br />necessary services demanded by the residents. This appears to be a lot of power <br />for a committee who isn't supposed to have any power. <br />Senator Milton said that the Metro Council and all local governments are created <br />by the State Legislature and all things must come through the Legislature. If it <br />is felt that the Metro Council is in the wrong, then the information should be <br />brought to the attention of the Legislature. <br />29 <br />
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