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07/22/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/22/1974 Council Minutes
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11/26/2014 12:00:56 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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July 22, 1974 <br />Mr. McLean voiced his opinion of the actions of the Metro Council. He felt <br />that the denial of the interceptor before the final action on the Development <br />Framework Committee's recommendations was unreasonable and capricious. <br />Mr. Zelinka was concerned that the Metro Council does not listen. At the <br />hearings or the interceptor, the only person allowed to speak was Mr. Locher. <br />They would not take any testimony from the City Council, City Engineer, Metro <br />Sewer Board; the only person who was allowed unlimited time was Mr. Karl <br />Burandt, Metro Council staff member. Mr. Zelinka got the definite impression of <br />arrogance on the part of the members of the Metro Council. <br />Mr. Marier thanked Senator Milton for his interest and taking his time to present <br />the case of Lino Lakes. Mr. Marier would like to sit down with the Metro Council <br />members in order to present the feelings of Lino Lakes to them in the correst <br />perspective. Mr. Marier thought the Metro Council members should know and <br />understand that the Council and the residents of the City of Lino Lakes will do <br />anything to protect their land - that we need a good sewer system - that no more <br />land will be given up for open space - and that this City should be allowed to <br />develop and progress as other areas are. <br />Senator Milton said that he would attempt to set up a meeting with Mr. Boland <br />and his immediate staff. <br />The Council thanked Senator Milton for his time and assistance. <br />The Clerk's report was suspended for the present time. Mayor Bohjanen announced <br />that the Civil Defense had a project to present to the Council.. He turned the <br />meeting over to Mr. Cape, Civil Defense Director. <br />Mr. Cape read a list of past presidents of the Women's Auxiliary which included <br />Mrs. Koffman, Mrs. Rector and Mrs. Kramer. The past Civil Defense Directors <br />were Mr. Kramer.,: Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Bryant. He then introduced the past Mayors <br />who were present - Mr. Kelling, Mr. Ross and Mr. L' Allier. Each man had only <br />good comments for the work of the Civil Defense. Mr. Cape introduced Mr. William <br />Flynn, Area Director of Unicom. It was through his assistance that the truck <br />was obtained. <br />Mr. Cape presented two proposels for Council consideration. 1) the Civil Defense <br />would like to take $1,000.00 per year for the next five years from their budget, <br />invest the money, at the end of the five year period use the money to purchase <br />a larger van and equip it with some fire fighting equipment; 2) they would also <br />like to build a history of the Civil Defense, frame it and hang it in the Hall. <br />At this point, Mr. Cape asked Mayor Bohjanen to accept the key to the 6x6 army <br />truck, to be turned over to the Council for use by the City. <br />Mayor Bohjanen accepted the key to the truck and told Mr. Cape that it had <br />always been a pleasure to work with the Civil Defense. This is an efficient <br />unit and he felt that it is the best Civil Defense unit in the State. <br />The Clerk's report included the fallowing items; <br />Receipt of $99,911.80 in property tax monies - of this amount $59,475.26 was <br />for special assessments. <br />Received a letter from the State Building Inspector's office notifying the <br />City that as of August 1, 1974, 4% of the collected State Surcharges on <br />
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