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10/15/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/15/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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FFP <br />October 15, 1974 <br />Mr. and Mrs. LaBuda were in the audience to question the Petition Variance on the <br />installation of Lake View Avenue in the Otter Lake Hills Plat. Mrs. LaBuda under- <br />"'stood that the final decision would be made at this meeting. Mr. Zelinka <br />advised her that the decision on the Variance had been made at the September 23, 1974 <br />meeting and he read from the minutes the stipulations there were attached to the <br />variance. Mr. Zelinka apologized to Mrs. LaBuda for the misunderstanding. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. McLean had no report to give. <br />Mr. Zelinka stated that the Personnel Commission will meet to discuss the job <br />description for the Police Clerk's job and that he will be able to make a further <br />report by the next Council Meeting. <br />Norm Fritchie from the Centerville Fire Department was also in the audience <br />and he read alletter to the Council in conjunction with _ the -establishment of a <br />VHF Radio channel to be used for fire calls. There was some discussion on <br />this but no decisions were made. <br />The Clerk was asked to make copies of the letter for all Councilmen. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the most recent report from Mr. Burandt. He stated that <br />there were discrepencies in the footage cited, cost of the lift stations and <br />estimated engineering costs. Mr. Gotwald felt that the cost for the installation <br />of the Free Flow Gravity System was over estimated. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt that this report was a rehash of all that had been presented <br />to the Council. <br />Mr. Marier moved that Mr. Gotwald prepare an evaluation report citing the errors <br />in the report from Mr. Burandt with a cost estimate comparison to be presented <br />at the next meeting. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski objected to meeting with Mr. Burandt and Mr. Boland without <br />technical advice in the face of the statements made by Mr. Burandt. Mr. Jaworski <br />felt that the council was left without any defenses. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the best was is to work through Mr. Boland. Mr.Jaworski <br />stated that he felt there was no way to change the Metro Council stand. <br />Under new business, Mr. Gotwald also reported that Northwestern Bell wants to <br />put a manhole in on Ware Road and there should be no problems. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to approve the request from Northwestern Bell and Mr. McLean seconded the mat i on . <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier brought up a Cash Flow Report and this was discussed. Mr. Marier felt <br />that this report is necessary in order to determine monies available. He felt <br />he had difficulty in sorting out the many expenditures that are charged to the <br />General Fund. The Cash Flow Report should be on a monthly basis. <br />Under Old Business, Mr. Jaworski reported that he has been advised that the Astro <br />Seat that was specified for the Police Car was not available, and that the seat <br />would have to remain the same according to specifications. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to advertise for bids for a new Patrol Car. Mr. McLean questioned <br />the delivery date for a new car and Mr. Jaworski stated that he did not think <br />that one could be obtained before 90 days. Mr. Jaworski moved that bids be in by <br />November 12, 1974 with a delivery date after January 15, 1975. Mr. Marier seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried. <br />
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