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11/12/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/12/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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November 12, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 <br />P.M. on November 12, 1974 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; Jaworski, <br />McLean, Zelinka. Absent; Marier. Mr. Locher was absent but Mr. Gotwald was <br />present. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes of the October 23, 1974 meeting as <br />presented. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk had received six bids for the Patrol Car. The bids were opened and <br />read, then turned over to Chief Myhre to compare against the specifications. He <br />will report later in the meeting. <br />The Clerk reported on the following items: <br />Mr. Oberstar's office called with information of a scheduled meeting for <br />adminstrative and elected officials. This meeting will be held on November <br />15, 1974 in the Sportsman's Club in Coon Rapids. Pending and needed legislations <br />will be discussed. <br />The Crimsoncross Kennel had delivered a letter stating that the kennel will no <br />longer handle animal disposal as part of their contract with the City. This <br />will be done at their discretion and charged to the people served. <br />The monthly report from the Police Department had been copied for all Councilmen. <br />Read a letter from Mr. Locher to Mr. Warren Spannaus seeking an Attorney <br />General's opinion on the salary matter. Mr. McLean had understood that this <br />matter had been researched before the passing of the Ordinance. This was the <br />general consensus of the Council. The problem stems from the interpretation <br />of the meaning of 'municipal election'. If the necessity of having local official <br />and local issues on the ballot is required. <br />The NSSSB has scheduled a meeting for November 14, 1974 at Fridley City Hall at <br />8:00 P.M. This meeting will include the final engineering'feport of the North <br />Area Study. <br />Had received a letter from North Central announcing rate schedules. These <br />raises will take effect on bills issued on and after December 1, 1974. The <br />League of Minnesota Municiapli ties and the City of St. Paul's Attorney's office <br />had written on meeting scheduled to discuss the proposed rate increase by Northern <br />States Power. There is a registration card to be returned indicating the number <br />attending. <br />Mayor Bohjanen reported on a phone call from Mr. Torkildsen in reference to the <br />Open Space. Mayor Bohjanen felt that the County is acquiring land outside the <br />boundaries as agreed to by the Open Space Commission, but Mr. Torkildsen did not <br />think so. There is to be a meeting of property owners who have lands in this <br />proposed park. The date of Nov. 14, 1974 had been given to the Clerk, but Mayor <br />Bohjanen felt that it had been rescheduled for a different date. Notice will <br />be given to all interested parties. <br />Mr. Jaworski had no report. Mr. Marier was absent. Mr. McLean reported that the <br />Lion's Club had started grading work at Lino Park and have plans to proceed <br />with the proposed seeding before winter. <br />Mr. McLean suggested a list of phone numbers where supervisory personnel can be <br />reached on the weekends in case of emergency. This was thought to be a good idea. <br />The Clerk will make up such a list and it will be kept at her desk. <br />
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