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11/12/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/12/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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November 12, 1974 <br />IIIMr. McLean asked about the dissolvement of the Police Study Commission. The Com- <br />mission should be dissolved at Wednesday's special meeting when the full time <br />personnel are selected. <br />The leasing of a trailer such as was done last winter to be used as a warming house <br />here at the Hall rink had been checked into. The rent is $100.00 p/m and the <br />trailer would be leased for a three month period. Mr. McLean moved to rent the <br />8x25' trailer providing the people in the area will provide supervision on the <br />same basis as last year. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. Mr. Mclean <br />will present this to the Park Board at their next meeting. <br />1 <br />1 <br />Mr. Zelinka had no report. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented the Councilmen with copies of his analysis of Mr. Burandt's <br />letter dealing with several proposals for the installation of sewers in Lino <br />Lakes and Centerville. Mr. Burandt's report had indicated a cost of approximately <br />$3,514,000.00 and with corrections and deletions, Mr. Gotwald arrived at a <br />cost figure of $2,191,000.00. Mr.Gotwald explained how he had arrived at these <br />figures. He suggested that a letter be written in con'unction with this report <br />and sent to Mr. Boland asking that he have an engineer rom the Metro Sewer <br />Board compare the two reports. Mr. Gotwald also felt hat a copy of Mr. Burandt's <br />report should be sent to Mr. Springsted since some of the suggestions in the <br />original memo do not follow prescribed procedures for municipalities. Mr. <br />Springsted's comments should also be incorporated in the letter to Mr. Boland. <br />The Clerk was instructed to draw up a rough draft of such a letter and have ready <br />for editing at the next Council meeting. <br />All reports indicate that the full flow gravity system is the most feasible <br />and the least costly over a long period of years. <br />Chief Myhre had completed his comparision of the bids for the Patrol Car and <br />reported that the difference between the low and high bids is only $123.26. <br />There are some exceptions on the bids but most are minor items and will not <br />affect the bid. <br />After discussion of the bids, Mr. Zelinka moved to accept the bid of Barnett <br />Chrysler Plymouth in the amount of $4,953.58 with a 60 to 90 day delivery. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk showed a map that had been dropped off for possible purchase by the <br />City. This map cost $39.50 and had been left pending Council approval. The <br />Council felt that there is no need for such a map and Mr. McLean moved to <br />return the map. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk had received an application forsewe, license by Mr. Ronnie Bowman of <br />Stacy. He had not delivered his insurance or bond. Since he has a job pending, <br />the Clerk asked that this application be approved contingent upon receipt of <br />the insurance and bond and approval by the Attorney. Mr. Zelinka so moved. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />c\ ,,t' <br />Mr. Kurt Fahan of Shoreview appeared before the Council with a problem of <br />vandalism on a 20 acre tree farm he owns just North of the Hall. He has posted <br />the property several times, but the signs are torn down or shot full of holes. <br />His fences are cut as is the gate. He has planted seedlings and they are torn <br />out of the ground. He has a small pond in the area and has found <br />
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