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02/24/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/24/1975 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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d <br />February 24, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:00 P.M. on February 24, 1975 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council Members <br />present: Jaworski, Marier, McLean, Zelinka. Absent: None. Mr. Locher <br />was also present. <br />Due to conflicting dates and some mis- spelling, Mr. Marier moved to <br />have the minutes of the February 10, 1975 meeting retyped and submitted <br />at the next Council meeting. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk reported that the Whispering Pines Plat will be heard before <br />the joint meeting of the:jluman Resources Committee and the Physical <br />Development Committee on Thursday, February 27, 1975 at 2:30 P.M. Mr. <br />Locher reported that he had contacted Mr. Weaver on this. Mr . Starr has <br />also been contacted and asked to attend that hearing. Mr. Locher felt <br />that this is a very important meeting and as many of the Council Members <br />as possible should attend. <br />A letter from Mr. Burman listing the members of the Chain; of Lakes <br />Advisory Committevas read. Mr. John McLean and Mr. Gerald Clausen <br />of Lino Lakes are members of that Committee. Mr. Torkildson. has scheduled <br />a meeting for Thursday, February 27, 1975 at 8:00 P.M in-he Anoka County <br />Courthouse. <br />Payment for January sewage hauling in the amount of $762.50 has been <br />received but the payment for December charges is still due. In <br />conjunction with this, there has been no communciations from <br />the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission in regards to the 1975 contract. <br />Mr. Burman had also written to inform the Council the allocated monies <br />from the Federal Government CETA -TITLE VI program has been increased <br />to $4,999.00 for use by the City` -of Lino Lakes. There will be a meeting <br />on Wednesday, February 26, 1975 at 2:00 P.M. in the Commissioner's <br />Room in the Anoka County Courthouse to discuss the use of these monies. <br />The City received $363.17 in municipal fines for the month of January. <br />Also, $63.34 in Forfeited Tax Sale money was received from the Anoka <br />County Auditor. <br />A letter for the Rice Creek Watershed District approving the request, <br />of the St. Paul Water Company to withdraw water from Otter Lake. Mr. <br />McLean asked if there were any water level indications stated in the <br />application. The Clerk said there was none. Mr. McLean asked for more <br />information on this be o'Itained and the Clerk is to write to Mr. Eugene <br />Hickok, Engineer for the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />A letter from Frank D. Marzitelli removing the designation of <br />'Haul Road' from a road in Washington and Anoka Counties was read. <br />Which road this pertains to was unclear. Mr. Jaworski requested Mr. <br />Volk to contact the Anoka highway Department for futher information <br />on this. <br />The Clerk read a letter from P. M. Endsley Company stating that a savings <br />of $2,463.00 over a three year period could be offered by that company <br />on a matching insurance policy. They can also write a Workman's Compensation <br />Policy at the same cost as the one the City now has. Mr. Zelinka moved <br />to ask Mr. Drager to attend the March 10, 1975 meeting. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski . <br />
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