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04/14/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/14/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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i6 <br />APRIL 14, 1975 <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Gotwald to report on the problem on East Shadow <br />Lake Drive. Mr. Gotwald said the cave -in of the curbing is due to under- <br />mining in that area. Either some drain tiles were laid under the curbs and <br />they have separated or there is drain tile around the foundations of the <br />home in that area and this is causing the trouble. It will be more apparent <br />when some excavating is done in the area. The street surface seems to be <br />unaffected. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested that the drain tile be plugged and bitimous curbing <br />be installed for a few years to allow this area to settle. <br />Mr. Volk reported that Oak Lane is breaking up as is Second Avenue. It was <br />suggested that hot mix be obtained to patch these streets as soon as possible. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had attended the meeting in Inver Grove Heights <br />on Saturday afternoon. He gave the Council copies of an open letter that is <br />to be signed and forwarded to Gov. Anderson. Mr. Jaworski felt that the <br />communities south of the Cities are much more orinanized than the North <br />Communities. He also found that all communities are having the same problems <br />with the Metropolitan Council as Lino Lakes, but since most of the publicity <br />on these problems is limited to local press, the other communities are <br />unaware of these problems. There was good attendance at the meeting and the <br />people were very enthusiastic. <br />There was discussion on the fact that very few of the Legislators know of <br />the bill because it has no number and is being introduced through committee. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Jaworski moved to sign the letter and forward to <br />the Governor. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk reported on a phone call from Mr. Franchette saying that no work <br />can be done on solving the City's sewer problems because of pending Legal <br />action voted by the Council. She was instructed to write Mr. Franchette <br />informing him that at the present time there is no legal action and the <br />Resolution was merely instructing the Attorney to start proceedings and study <br />the feasibility of such action. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the meeting to discuss the Centerville sewer. This <br />will sewer Centerville through the Forest Lake interceptor. There was <br />discussion of the size of the lines and the fact that it will only be brought <br />to the East boundary of Centerville. They plan to take this to a referendum <br />to the peopole since Centerville will have to install the laterals. It <br />will also be necessary to redesign the local plans to fit in with this concept <br />Mr. Gotwald said the hearingswill have to be held by Centerville and that <br />the cost of these lines will have to be borne by the people of Centerville. <br />Mr. Marier felt that Lino Lakes must get Metropolitan Council to set a time <br />limit on how long they expect Lino Lakes to continue to pump and haul sewage. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt that this plan to sewer Centerville to the East is strictly <br />according to the Development Freamework Guide Plan. <br />There was discussion on the fact that without the staff personnel the Metro <br />Council could not operate and most of the staff people do not know the past <br />history of these problems, so the Council makes the easiest decision. Mr. <br />Gotwald felt since this decision on Centerville has been made, there is <br />
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