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05/27/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/27/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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MAY 27, 1975 <br />of a permanent home. Mrs. Schwankl repeated her request to the Council. The <br />Planning and Zoning Board had recommended denial of this request. Mr. Marier <br />so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Locher for a legal <br />opinion on this. Mr. Locher said that the City cannot bar the installation of <br />one mobile unit - but could bar two or more. Also, there is a park where <br />this unit can be parked. Mr. Jaworski asked 11'if one such unit was allowed, <br />would this be setting a precedent ?" Mr. Locher said, "No, each request is <br />considered on an individual basis." The vote was called for and the motion <br />carried. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval of Sign <br />Permit Application No. 35 for Mr. Ronald Rasmussen dba United Tire located <br />at 8351 Lake Drive. Mr. Amundsen had checked the application and the sign <br />meets all City requirements. Mr. Marier moved to approve the sign permit. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Linda Fegely had applied for a special use permit to operate a plasterware <br />workshop in the basement of her home located at 866 Oak Lane. There is adequate <br />parking area and the Board had recommended approval of the Special Use Permit <br />to operate the "Country Cellar Crafts Shop" during the following hours only: <br />Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:OO,P.M. to 10:00 P.M.; Saturdays from <br />10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon and on Sundays - no specified hours, casual sales <br />only. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Randall, Mr. Jandric's attorney had called Mr. Karth requesting a <br />special meeting to consider Mr. Jandric's request in reference to selling <br />the townhouse units in Lakes Addition No. 2. The Planning and Zoning Board <br />moved to deny this request. Mr. Marier moved to approve their action. Seconded <br />by Mayor Bohjanen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the recommendations of the building inspector in regards <br />to the erections of steel building should be discussed at this meeting or will <br />the P & Z Board present recommendations to the Council at a later date? Mr. <br />Marier felt that there will be recommendations from the P & Z Board when they <br />have had more discussion on this subject. <br />Mr. Leegard, representative from Metro Animal Control was present to answer <br />questions from the Council. Mr. Marier asked if this control can be handled <br />on a case by case basis and Mr. Leegard said that it could. The cost for <br />a call is $12.00 per hour plus travel time - emergency calls are a flat rate <br />$12.00 per hour. B & E Patrol had submitted a bid and said that a representative <br />would be present at this meeting to discuss the bid, but no one was present. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Marier moved to hire the Metro Animal Control for <br />the City of Lino Lakes, the calls to be handled on an individual basis. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Mr. Zelinka asked where the headquarters was located and Mr. <br />Leegard said in Minneapolis but since they patrol quite a few Northern Suburbs <br />they plan to establish a sattelite in this area to handle the impownded animals. <br />The motion carried. <br />The Clerk asked if Mr. Leegard would meet with her to work out a schedule that <br />would meet the needs of the City and stay within the budgeted amount for <br />animal control. Mr. Leegard will call and set a time for this meeting. <br />Mr. McLean reported that the Park Board meeting had been cancelled by the <br />storm and is being rescheduled. He asked if there were any names for con - <br />sideration for membership on that Board at this time? Mayor Bohjanen said he <br />has several for consideration, but needs to confirm this with the `parties involved. <br />1 <br />
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