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06/09/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/1975 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:31:52 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />JUNE 9, 1975 <br />The Clerk had called Mr. Locher noting that the Special Use Permit <br />issued to WCCO expires on June 28,1975. After some discussion, the Clerk <br />was instructed to make a copy of the Special Use Permit, mail to the Attorneys <br />asking their intent. <br />Acting Chief Myhre had asked Mr. Looher to research the practice of <br />compensoroty time in liiu of overtime pay for the Police Department. Mr. <br />Locher had found that it is not allowed according to the State but could <br />not find the specific law that prohibits this. He will hold this for <br />confirmation. <br />Acting Chief Myhre had also requested that the Police Department be enrolled <br />in the coordinated fund of Social Security and PERA. Mr. Locher had checked <br />into this and it is not allowed. <br />Mr. Locher is researching a clause in the Road bond posted for U. S. Lakes <br />Addition # 1. He felt that the time expired on the bond one yearr from <br />the 11/30/70 date but will have a definite answer at the next Council meeting. <br />The Clerk noted that she has two seven inch reels of tapes of the special <br />meeting held in conjunction with this road issue. She is to contact Mr. <br />Zelinka for equipment to play back and transcribe these tapes. <br />There was no old business. No new business. No business from the floor. <br />Mr. Keeney, who had extensive storm damage to his property was here. He <br />had called to inquire into the pessiblity of a low interest loan. The <br />Clerk gave him Mr. Tom Daniel's number and suggested that he contact him <br />for information. <br />On consideration of the requisitions, No.;, 572 through #577 were held from <br />Khe previous Council meeting. No.'s 578 through #580 were submitted for <br />consideration at this meeting. The amount of timeper ball field was <br />questioned. Mr. Marier felt that 22 ton per field was excessive. <br />After some discussion, Mr. McLean moved to approve requisitions <br />#572 through and including #577, payable in July. Seconded by Mayor Bohjanen. <br />Mayor Bohjanen and Mr. McLean voted, Yes; Mr. Marier voted, No. The question <br />is to be checked by Mr. Locher. <br />Requisitions No. 578, 579 and 580 are not signed by the Department Head. <br />and cannot be considered. Mr. Marier moved to table these requisitions. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve payroll checks #2895 through and including #3003. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve checks #6420 through and including #6464. These <br />checks to be mailed as money is accrued to cover them. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Aye. <br />ERK TREASURER <br />65 <br />
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