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06/23/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/23/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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L68 <br />JUNE 23, 1975 <br />Mr. Emil Jandric requested a variance to Ordinance 21 A in order to sell a <br />townhouse unit located on Outlot K. He was told to plat the lot according <br />to City Ordinance and ask for a variance to sell after the platting is <br />approved. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Merle Chollett requested a Variance to Ordinance No. 21 A in order to <br />split a ten acre parcel into two lots, sell the front home and land and <br />construct a new home on the rear portion. This would necessitate a drive- <br />way of approximately 900 feet. The Planner and Engineer had presented their <br />recommendations, this includes contacting the Rice Creek Watershed Board in <br />conjunction with a culvert to be placed in a ditch. The PFTZ had recommended <br />approval of this 'Variance with the stipulation that all recommendations <br />of the Engineer and Planner be adhered to. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Al LaMotte had applied for a Special Use Permit for the dismantling of <br />junk vehicles and hauling of these Vehicles and scrap iron from his father's <br />farm located at 6510 -12th Avenue. This is a part time business and <br />he has been doing this for the past 15 years. The PE,Z recommended approval <br />providing no more than 6 cars are there at any one time and no complaints <br />are received. There is to be a yearly review of this Special Use Permit. <br />(Mr. LaMott has received a ticket by the Police Department and must go to <br />Court.) Mr. Marier moved to approve this request and Mr. McLean seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Margaret Hammer requested a variance to Ordinance 21 A to split and <br />sella portion of her property located at 765 Oak Lane. There are two <br />residences on approximately 10 acres of land. The P &Z recommend approval <br />of this variance and Mr. Marier so moved. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Borgren was present to discuss the possibility of building on Maple Street <br />but since the exact location and size of the land was not clear, Mr. Borgren <br />was asked to consult with the City Planner and return to the PAZ meeting <br />in July. <br />Mr. Richard Juleen requested a variance to Ordinance 21 A to split and <br />build on a lot located at 7109 Lakeview. A new home will be constructed <br />on the rear of the lot and will face the side street. There was some <br />discussion as to the side setbacks. The PETZ had recommended acceptance of <br />the 15' setback. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion <br />carried. <br />The Special Use permit granted to WCCO for the construction of a radio <br />tower on Holly Drive expires on June 28, 1975. Mr. Fred Memmer and Mr. Tom <br />Doer were in the audience. They informed the P &Z that WCCO is still in the <br />process of obtaining permission from the FCC and would request a one year's <br />extension of the Special Use Permit. WCCO should have an answer by that <br />time. The P$Z had recommended approval of this extension. Mr. Marier so <br />moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />An application for a Schmidt Beer sign to be located at the Blue Heron <br />had been considered and found to conform to the City Ordinance. The PTZ <br />had recommended approval. Mr. Marier so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mayor Bohjanen reported on the meeting held on Friday, June 20, 1975 in <br />connection with the sewer problems in Shenandoah. Mayor Bohjanen asked <br />
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