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06/30/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/30/1975 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />JUNE 30, 1975 <br />The costs for the above work would be: <br />Total Cost for Seal Coating <br />Scarifying & re -mix <br />Maple $ Orange <br />Bald Eagle Blvd. <br />$14,700.00 <br />5,100.00 <br />3,800.00 <br />1,900.00 <br />$25,500.00 <br />There are 29 miles of roads in Lino Lakes to be maintained by the City. <br />The streets are paved in the following manner: <br />14.02 miles Bituminous base <br />9.28 miles Prime and Seal <br />5.11 miles Gravel <br />.05 miles Dirt <br />Fifty percent of the roads already have a bituminous base and I would <br />suggest laying out a program to road mix 3 to 4 miles per year. If the <br />work is to be done as in past years, by City Crews, accurate records <br />will be very valuable in estimating costs and maintanence to be done on <br />each road. <br />If streets on the boundaries of the City are to be included, this would <br />add 14.03 miles of roads, then a bituminous mat should be layed and <br />maintanence would consist of seal coating. <br />Mr. Marier asked what the difference between pea rock and sand would be <br />as far as costs are concerned. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that the costs differ about $1.00 per ton. He felt <br />that pea rock would be the best mix to use. <br />Mr. Marier recommended that on 24th Avenue that it be patched, a mat <br />of gravel laid down and road be oiled. Let it set for one week and add <br />a layer of pea rock. <br />Mr. Jaworski said that one clay pocket should be removed - it should be <br />dug out and rock laid down. <br />Mr. Marier suggested a ditch be put in for better drainage. He said that <br />the first quarter mile and the last third of the road are not in too bad <br />a condition and part of the problem on this street is that horses use <br />the street. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that on Rolling Hills Drive a lot of heavy equipment uses <br />the street and contributes to the break up problems. <br />Mr. Marier suggested that a letter be sent to the party that owns the <br />heavy equipment and uses Rolling Hills drive frequently asking that he <br />reduce his speed and take as many precautions as possible to avoid using <br />Rolling Hills Drive when possible. <br />Mr. Marier moved to take Mr. Gotwald's recommendations, apply a pea rock <br />seal for 24th Avenue, allocate $38,000.60 for road repairs to be completed <br />by October 15, 1975 with the labor coming from City Crews. Mr. Jaworski <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />/73 <br />
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