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08/20/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/20/1975 Council Minutes
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PUGUST 20, 1975 <br />Mr. Barton asked how the City had proposed things differently? <br />Mr. Marier siad the plans of the City were not definite enough so the <br />planning stages of development were the decision of the Metropolitan Council. <br />Mr. Marier felt that working together means the airing of all views and <br />coming to a decision that both parties can live with. <br />Mr. Gotwald was asked if he had met with Mr. Burandt. Mr. Gotwald said, <br />Yes, Mr. Burandt had come to his office for the purpose of acquiring the <br />correct footage of the interceptor as prepared by Mr. Gotwald's office. <br />Mr. Burandt had used those measurements and the cost estimates also in <br />the preparation of the cost figures in his memo. <br />Mr. Gotwatd was asked if a decision on the type of interceptor has <br />been made. Mr. Gotwald said, No, the least costly in the overall <br />picture is the gracity system but this system is in direct conflict <br />with the Development Framework Guide Plan. <br />Mr. Barton was asked if he had attended any of the meetings and he said, <br />No. <br />Senator Milton arrived. <br />Mr. DeVries asked if there is a time shcedule. She was told no. <br />Mr. Payne wanted to clairfy the memo. This was prepared by the Metropolitan <br />Council Staff. There has been one meeting since this report but since most <br />of the persons involved with this report were not at that meeting, no attempt <br />was made to resolve the differences. The Metropolitan Waste Control <br />Commission had prepared their comments and recommendations and presented <br />them to Mr. Boland on this date. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if he would be out of line if he asked what had <br />been recommended. <br />Mr. Payne said the recommendation was for the full flow gravity system <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if it was possible for the Metropolitan Waste Control <br />commission, Metropolitan Council Staff and Lino Lakes to get together <br />in the next week? <br />Mr. Barton felt that this could be arranged. Mr. Barton said the type <br />of interceptor should be decided upon before September or by the early <br />part of that month. <br />Mr. Marier asked about the timing for construction once the decision is <br />made. Mr. Payne said that after the type of interceptor is decided and <br />approved, his staff will prepare plans and specifications. This includes <br />soil borings, surveys and deciding the route the interceptor is to take. <br />Then advertising for bids and accepting a bid for this project. this could <br />take up to six months to accomplish. construction of the interceptor could <br />take another six months to one year. <br />Mrs. Devries asked if anyone had approached Mr. Rehbein about installing <br />a holding tank in-<he Shenandoah area? <br />
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