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AUGUST 20, 1975 <br />Mr. Gotwald said that it had been discussed but this cannot be done <br />until the approval of the interceptor. <br />Mr. Payne said that they are well aware of the problems of the people in <br />that area and he felt that this development would get service. He was <br />asked what constituted a firm committment and Mr. Payne said agreement <br />on a recommendation for the interceptor. <br />The subject of the streets in Shenandoah was brought up. These cannot <br />be finished until the sewers are in. Since this is another subject, it was <br />dropped. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked how long it would take to do the surveying? Mr. Payne <br />felt that this could be completed in about four months depending on the <br />season. He felt that they are looking at the 1976 construction season. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked, if once the plans and specs were completed, would <br />there be a starting date? Mr. Payne said, Yes, once the plans and specs <br />are completed, they are sent to all agencies concerned for approval. <br />Once they are approved then a date can be set for bids. Depending on <br />size and location, Mr. Payne felt that the Waste Control Commission would <br />strive to have the interceptor operational by next summer. <br />Mr: Payne was asked if they would consider pumping the sewage from Shenandoah <br />much in same manner as Country Lakes. Mr. Payne said, Yes, if the developer <br />installs the collector system and a holding tank is installed, their <br />Metropolitan Waste Control would participate in the cost of hauling as in <br />Country Lakes. <br />Mr. Payne was asked about the limit on the number of homes that 'will be <br />allowed. Mr. Payne said once the interceptor is approved, the number <br />of homes is immaterial.. Both Country Lakes and the Shenandoah project <br />could develop. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the City could see an end to the hauling by the <br />end of 1976. Mr. Mariers asked "At whose cost ?" Mr. Jaworski said, <br />"Metropolitan Waste Control." <br />Mr. Marier said the local collector system must be approved by the <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />Mr. Payne said once the committment of an interceptor is made, the <br />approval of a local collector system should present no problem. This <br />area is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Sewer Plan or the Land <br />Use Plan. <br />Mr. Marier asked what happens if the truck presently being used to haul <br />sewage breaks down - who supplies a replacement? <br />Mr. Payne said the Metropolitan Waste Control is paying Lino Lakes to <br />haul the sewage. <br />Mr. Marier siad the truck was paid for by Lino Lakes and all tax <br />payers are sharing the costs. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the Metropolitan Waste Control is picking up a <br />portion of that cost in the depreciation cost computed into the City's <br />cost of hauling the sewage. <br />