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10/28/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/28/1975 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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224 <br />OCTOBER 28, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />8:05 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Council Members present: McLean, Jaworski <br />and Zelinka. Members absent: Marier. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes of the October 14, 1975 Council <br />Meeting. Mr. Jawroski questioned Page 1, paragraph 8; he thought that <br />the wording should be changed to reflect that the only cost to the City <br />for Mrs. Sarner's attendance at the Assessor's school would be her wages <br />for the three days that she would be out of the office. <br />Mr. McLean amended his motion to include that change. Motion was seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter that Charles Nelson would like to have the City <br />Council approve so that he can obtain FHA monies for his plat known as <br />Pine Vista. He is asking that the City accept Evergreen Trail for partial <br />maintenance before the street is completed. Ordinance 22, Section 15 <br />states that: <br />"...After a street has been completed to a point <br />where it can be used and after building permits <br />have been issued for construction of buildings <br />on property fronting on said streets, the street <br />shall be placed on the routine maintenance list <br />of the Village. Snow plowing operations will be <br />carried on in the winter time and general blading <br />operation in the summer time on these streets at the <br />expense of the Village. This shall not in any way <br />constitute final acceptance by the Village and such <br />maintenance or partial acceptance of the Council shall <br />not have any effect upon agreements existing between <br />the Village and the owner for further improvements <br />on such streets..." <br />Mr. McLean said that we could not accept this street for partial maintenance <br />until the requirements of the Ordinance are met - bond or escrow amount set <br />up for 12 times the amount of the cost of the street, meets with City <br />specifications; etc. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that until a clear idea of Mr. Nelson's plans are <br />presented to the Council that this matter should be tabled. He moved <br />to invite Mr. Nelson to the November 10, 1975 Council Meeting. Mr. <br />Zelinka seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed <br />to contact Mr. Nelson and ask that he be present at the next Council <br />meeting. <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt that if waiting until the tenth of November would <br />cause undue hardship for Mr. Nelson that this matter could be dealt with <br />at the special budget meeting on November 6, 1975. Mr. Jaworski so moved, <br />Mr. Zelinka seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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