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i <br />OCTOBER 28, 1975 <br />The Clerk also reported the receipt of Municipal Fines for September in <br />the amount of $156.00 <br />...Letter of resignation received from Mr. Roy H. Backlin as Public <br />Works Supervisor effective September 8, 1975. The Council accepted <br />Mr. Backlin's resignation with much regret and directed the Clerk <br />to write him a note of thanks for his many years of excellent service <br />to our City. <br />...Received today a request from Northwestern Bell to bury cable on Deer <br />Pass Trail. Council instructed Clerk to forward to Mr. Gotwald for <br />review and recommendations to be acted on at the November 10, 1975 <br />Council Meeting. <br />...Letter from Mr. Locher regarding the deed required on Maple Street <br />stating that it had been obtained from Mr. Hallblade and that there <br />is one more to be obtained. <br />...Letter from North Central Public Service advising of a priority list <br />for gas service that is being drawn up. <br />...Letter from Metro Council regarding a Notice of Review on the Blaine <br />Comprehensive Storm Drainage Plan, <br />...Lexington Fire Report for period from September 7 through September 27, <br />1975. <br />...Notice of a Public Hearing on Airport Noise Policy to be held in <br />Minneapolis on October 29, 1975 at the Radisson Hotel Downtown from <br />1- 4:30PM and 6 -10 PM and on October 30, 1975 from 9 AM to Noon. <br />Mayor Bohjanen stated that he had talked with Mr. Benjy Munson of the <br />Lexington Fire Dept. today and was informed that Lexington will be using <br />a new formula to compute the cost of the fire service for 1976. The <br />preliminary figure given the Mayor is $13,977.00. Because this represents <br />an amount over what had been budgeted, a special budget hearing was con- <br />sidered to see what the Council and the Cities of Lexington and Centerville <br />can come up with in the way Of costs. Mr. Zelinka moved to hold this <br />special meeting on November 6, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council <br />Chambers. Mr. McLean seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk was asked to contact Centerville and get their figures into <br />this office before that date. <br />Mayor Bohjanen then reported on a meeting that had been held today <br />in Mr. Ray Payne's office at the Metro Waste Control Commission (MWCC), <br />to discuss the engineering aspects of the holding tank to be put in at <br />Shenandoah development of Lino Lakes. Mr. Payne, Mr. Locher, Mr. Shea <br />from Consulting Engineers Diversified, Inc. were present at this meeting. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said that it was his understanding that the MWCC would <br />pay for the pumping of the sewage in that area. They won't come right <br />out and say that but that is the understanding that was conveyed to <br />him this afternoon. <br />