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08/29/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/29/1977 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />August 29, 1977 <br />A special joint meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council and the Hugo City Council was <br />called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen on August 29, 1977. <br />The following persons were present; Mr. Harvey Karth, Lino Lakes; Mr. Howard Scheltty, <br />Hugo, Mr. Marvin LaValle, Hugo; Mr. Dean Vail, Hugo; Mr. Larry Infeld, Hugo; Mr. Mike <br />McAllister, Hugo; Mr. Bill Greger, Hugo, Mrs. Grace Jackson, Hugo; Mr. Paul Santori, Hugo, <br />Mr. Lynn Carlson, Hugo; Mr. Ken Gourley, Lino Lakes, Mr. William Bohjanen, Lino Lakes; <br />Mr. John McLean, Lino Lakes; Mr. Richard Zelinka, Lino Lakes. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting is to clarify the position of the two <br />Cities in reference to the proposed Otter Lake Regional Park. It would appear that mis- <br />information as to scheduled meetings and who had been informed of these meetings has been <br />told to both Councils. <br />Mayor LaValle agreed. He said they had appeared before the Physical Development Comm- <br />ittee to discuss this proposed park and was told that Lino Lakes had been invited to <br />attend. There had been no information on this meeting received at the Lino Lakes Offices. <br />Mayor LaValle said they had requested this proposed park be deleted from the systems state- <br />ment for Hugo. The general feeling of the Hugo Council was this was a possibility. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that Lino Lakes had also deleted this proposed park from their <br />system statement. However, since Anoka County has the right of condemnation for park <br />purposes, the City had enclosed the agreement this City has with the Anoka County Board <br />of Commissioner. This agreement is re- affirmed each year by this City Council and by <br />the Board of Commissioners. <br />Mr. McLean outlined the stipulations in this agreement and briefly outlined the work that <br />was involved in the finalizing of this document. <br />The hearing before the EQB was discussed briefly and the results of that meeting. It was <br />felt the propsed development for that area should have a green light. This is the area <br />that is proposed for the Otter Lake Regional Park. <br />The manner in which local officials are treated when appearing at a Metro meeting was <br />discussed. It was felt that decisions are made before the local officials appear and <br />notlumng that is presented by the local communities is even considered. It was felt <br />there is no area for communications with the staff personnel. <br />The ppossibi1ity a law suit was discussed with Hugo asking how far this City would take <br />such an action. The general consensus was this City would take the matter as far as nec- <br />essary to win or as far as the law allowed. Hugo felt that City would cooperate in this <br />action. It was also felt that if such action did take place, other communities would <br />join the two Cities. <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt one of current tactics being used by Metro personnel is to drive a <br />wedge lletween communities in order to accomplish their desires. He suggested that in <br />the future, if one community is asked to attend a meeting or discussion, they do not <br />attend unless the other community is also asked and have a representative present. <br />Mr. John McLean introduced the following Resolution: <br />WHEREAS, The proposed Otter Lake Regional Park affects both communities, and <br />WHEREAS, Both communities agree this proposed Regional Park is to be deleted from <br />the respective City system statements, and <br />
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