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09/12/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/12/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />September 12, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on <br />September 12, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Absent: None. Mr. John Burke substituted for Mr. Locher. Mr. Gotwald was also <br />present. <br />Mr. Schneider corrected the minutes of August 22, 1977 as follows: page 4, paragraph <br />2, second line - delete 'agreed to spend' and insert 'indicated the possibility of spend- <br />ing'. Mr. McLean moved to approve as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of August 29, 1977 as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />McLean. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Schneid abstaining. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out several items in the Metropolitan Council publication that should <br />interest this City - one was concerned with the collection of SAC and the second point <br />dealt with changes in the open space policies. These matters should be followed. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..A letter from Anoka County stating there are increased funds available in the CETA pro- <br />gram. The Clerk had contacted the County on this matter and was told these funds are only <br />available for a specific project that will be in operation for a specific period of time, <br />up to one year. <br />..A letter from the Metropolitan Council setting the date of October 19, 1977 at 4:00 P.M. <br />for a public hearing on the White Bear Township system statement. <br />..Contract figures from the Lexington Fire Department had been received. This will be <br />considered at the budget hearing. <br />..A letter from the Metropolitan Council acknowledging the receipt of the City's answer <br />to the proposed system statement. This will be forwarded to the office of Hearing Exam- <br />iners who will set the hearing, send the notices, conduct the hearing and submit a report <br />to the Metropolitan Council. <br />..A letter from the Centennial Schools submitting a request for assistance in conducting <br />the summer recreation program. This will be considered at the budget hearing. <br />..In order to comply with Minnesota State Law, there must be a meeting of members of the <br />Community Education Advisory Council members and all other interested parties. This meet- <br />ing has been scheduled for September 27, 1977. They had requested a member of the Council <br />or a representative be at that meeting. The Council asked the Clerk to attend. <br />..Municipal Fines for the month of August in the amount of $433.67 had been received. <br />..The joint Resolution between Hugo and Lino Lakes had been received with all necessary <br />signatures. <br />..A request from St. Joseph Parish for a permit to sell beer at a Polka Dance on October <br />22, 1977 had been presented to the Council. Mr. McLean moved to approve this request. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..A refund of $1,200.00 from the State for the attendance of Mr. Jeffrey Kirschbaum's at <br />BCA. <br />..A letter from Mr. David Torkildson informing the Council, the Anoka County Park Board <br />has been authorized to participate in the blacktopping of West Shadow Lake Drive in the <br />
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