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09/12/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/12/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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6 <br />September 12, 1977 <br />the amount of $7,500.00. This money will be made available to the City as soon as the <br />contract is let and the County has had a chance to review the contract. <br />On the same subject, the Clerk read a letter from the Griffin Company. A per test done <br />on Lot 15, Block 4, had been done and forwarded to the City. They are asking for either <br />approval or denial of building permits on the lots on the West side of the lake. <br />Mr. Gotwald pointed out, this area would fall under the control of the Shorelands Manage- <br />ment Act, and there could be problems with the depth of some of the lots. It might be <br />necessary to combine several of the lots in order to fullfill the requirements of that <br />act. <br />Mr. Ken Erickson, who has purchased Outlot B on the Lake Side, and has applied for a <br />building permit was in the audience. Mr. Erickson is aware that he cannot obtain a build- <br />ing permit until the street is surfaced. However, he wants to get started on his home <br />by the 1st of October. <br />The participation of the property owners in the costs of surfacing the street was dis- <br />cussed. Mr. Zelinka said if this can be done in this manner and avoid a formal assess- <br />ment procuedure, it could take a lot of time and cost more. <br />As to the answer to the Griffin Company, Mr. McLean moved to have Mr. Gotwald look at <br />Lot 15 for specifics and report back to the Council. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carr- <br />ied unanimously. <br />There was discussion of the costs of surfacing this street with Mr. Gotwald coming up <br />with a figure of approximately $2.00 per running foot. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to send a letter to all property owners, giving this cost figure, <br />telling them this must be an unanimous agreement on their part, and the money must be <br />paid to the City or be put in escrow, any amount over and above the $2.00 per running <br />foot the City will assume the costs. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested Thursday, September 22, 1977 at 8:00 P.M. for the meeting. The <br />Council agreed. <br />Mayor Bohjanen called thepublic hearing for the plat Rohavic Oaks to order at 8:45 P.M. <br />Mr. Burke read the notice of publication that was published on August II, 1977. The <br />proponents of the plat were present and there was no opponents of the plat. <br />There had not been a report from the Rice Creek Watershed Board as yet and no recommend- <br />ation from the Park Board. The Clerk was asked to contact the Rice Creek Watershed Board. <br />The developers of the land said they would agree to money in lieu of land for park purposes. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve this plat subject to the recommendations of the Rice Creek <br />Watershed Board and to accept money in lieu of land for Park purposes. Seocnded by Mr. <br />Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to close the hearing at 9:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The Clerk continued her report: <br />..A letter from Mr. Beach, City Tree Inspector, with a suggestion for the control of Oak <br />Wilt. The Council had some questions and they requested that Mr. Beach attend the next <br />scheduled Council meeting. <br />
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