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16 <br />September 26, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M., <br />September 26, 1977, by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider. <br />Absent; Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br />Mr. Schneider asked the word 'Mass' be changed to the word 'Dance' in conjunction with the <br />request from St. Joseph Church for a 3.2% beer permit. Mr. Karth moved to approve the <br />minutes with the correction. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Karth moved to approve the minutes of September 22, 1977 as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried with Mr. McLean abstaining. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..Two requests from Northwestern Bell Telephone for the installation of buried cable - <br />one on Evergreen Trail and one on Knoll Drive. These applications had been checked by <br />Mr. Gotwald and approval was recommended. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />..Mr. Ulmer was present with the hard shells for the plat of Rice Lake Addition. Mr. <br />Gotwald had dropped off his recommendations and the only comment was on Lot 15, which <br />due to the right -of -way requirements of the County, this lot is less than one acre. Mr. <br />McLean moved to waive the one acre requirement on Lot 15, Block I. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried unanimously. There was further discussion on the right -of -way easements. <br />There was a question on why one lot did not seem to meet the requirements. Mr. Ulmer <br />was asked to get this matter cleared. He agreed. <br />..The Clerk had received notice from Anoka County that a new aerial survey had been <br />done and will be available to the City at $1.00 per half section. Mr. McLean suggested <br />the Planner, Engineer and Assessor be contacted for the need of these maps. If there <br />is a need, the Council should consider purchasing the maps. <br />..The Environmental Quality Board had prepared a Workbook for local use in preparing the <br />Environmental worksheets. One is available at no cost to the City. The Clerk was inst- <br />ructed to obtain a copy. <br />..Notice from the Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis of the deposit of $50,000.00 in <br />Treasurary bi I I as securities for the City of Lino Lakes. <br />..A new set of forecast figures from the Metropolitan Council on population, households <br />and employment had been received. Public Hearings will be initiated on October 13, 1977. <br />..A regional meeting conducted by the League of Minnesota Cities will be held October 18, <br />1977 at the Majestic Oaks Country Club. The dinner is $5.75. Reservations for this must <br />be in by October Ilth. There will be a round table meeting for Clerks in the afternoon. <br />The Clerk plans on attending. <br />..State Aid in the amount of $21,525.54 had been received as well as payment from the <br />Metro Training Center for police protection in the amount of $1,921.17. This covers the <br />costs through June of 1977. <br />..A copy of a model environmental Review Ordinance is availabe through the EQC and the <br />Clerk was instructed to obtain a copy. <br />..A notice from the Office of the Hearing Examiner had been received, setting the date <br />for the hearing on the City's System Statement for October 10, 1977. Mr. Locher said <br />