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01/08/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/08/1979 Council Minutes
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12/9/2014 11:19:56 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />203 <br />January 8, 1979 <br />pole building for the raising of eeder pits. He will also have two <br />farrowing buildings. <br />Mr. Brown was informed the building would fall under the land use program <br />and he would need a signed petition giving consent from his neighbors. <br />Mr. Brown said he had completed forms for the PCA. Mr. Locher suggested <br />this be handled by a special use permit and suggested that Mr. Brown also <br />check with the Anoka County Comprehensive Health Department. <br />The matter of a legal newspaper for the City was discussed. There had been <br />a suggestion that perhaps the City could designate two papers by Mr. Locher <br />said that is not lega. Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve the Circulating <br />Pines as the legal newspaper. <br />Circulation figures had been presented from the Forest Lake Times and Mr. <br />Schneider suggested, that since both papers provide coverage for the area. <br />this matter should be held over until January 22, 1979, in order to give <br />the Circulating Pines time to compute their figures. Mr Kulaszewicz <br />withdrew his motion. This matter will be on the January 22, 1979 agenda. <br />Mayor Karth informed the Council that one of the appointed members for the <br />Park Board will be unable to serve in that capacity - Mr. Milt Jorgenson. <br />There was some discussion on the possibility of asking one of the members <br />whose term had expired to serve another term. Mr. Zelinka will check and <br />have an answer for the next meeting. <br />Mayor Karth had received a note from Mr. Kirschbaum;s Doctor stating that <br />Mr. Kirschbaum will be unable to return to work until he has had an EMG. <br />This test is scheduled for January 19, 1979. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to place Mr. Jeffrey Kirschbaum <br />on indefinite Medical Leave without pay or accruing benefits effective <br />January 8, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion declared passed. <br />The matter of long term idsability insurance was on the agenda. The Clerk <br />was asked to prepare comparison figures for the next meeting. <br />Mr. Schneider gave his report on the increases and decreases in the various <br />funds within the general fund. He pointed out this budget is a guideline <br />and can be adjusted if the need arises. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to approve the following figures for the year 1979: <br />Mayor and Council - $70,725; Consultants - $34, 680; Building- $20,405; <br />Police Department - $153,806; Fire Protection - $18,814; Protective <br />Inspection - $40,770; Other Protection - $5,701; Road Department - $155,583; <br />Shop Department - $1,850; Park Department - $16,528; Utility Department - <br />$8,174; for a total budget for the year of $527,035. Seconded by Mr. <br />McLean. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Schneider asked that the matter of the water and sewer rate and the <br />minimum water charges be put on the agenda for January 22, 1979. <br />There was discussion of the recording Clerk and the things expected of that <br />person. There was also discussion of the minutes and what they need to <br />contain. Mayor Karth directed that, beginning as of now, on the motions <br />and actions on those motions are to be recoreded in the Council minutes. <br />
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