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03/07/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/07/1979 Council Minutes
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12/9/2014 11:20:31 AM
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12/9/2014 9:25:50 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />February 26, 1979 <br />installation of buried cable on Shadow Court and Sandpiper Drive, Mr. <br />McLean so moved. Seconded'by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Gotwald had checked the plans for installation of buried cable along <br />Birch Street from Centerville Road to East Shadow Lake Drive. This will <br />be done in conjunction with the upgrading of that street and has been <br />approved by the County. Mr. MCLean moved to approve these plans. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented a revised drawing of Black Duck Drive and some pre- <br />liminary figures indicating a savings by this redesign. To allow for time <br />to mail the motices, Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to set a public hearing on this <br />matter for April 9, 1979 at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the pros and cons of concrete curbs and gutters and <br />suggested that perhaps the Planning adn Zoning Board should take a look at <br />the street specifications with consideration for the requiring of concrete <br />curbs and gutters in areas where city utilities are in. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested that Mr. Springsted be contacted on the matter of <br />the length of the bond term. <br />The last letter from Mr. Bob Mazanec on the matter of the report to the <br />Physical Development Committee on the use of the interceptor was discussed. <br />The Council decided to make no comment on the contents of the letter. <br />Mr. Blackbird requested Mr. Gotwald to be present for the rezoning hearing <br />III of the outlots in Country Lakes and Mr. Gotwald agreed. The costs will be <br />the Responsibility of Mr, Blackbird. <br />The letter to the residents on the matter of septic system inspection was <br />approaved for printing. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to approve checks #9467 through and including #9484. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to adjourn at 12:15 A.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Aye. <br />These minutes were approved the regular Council meeting held on March 12, <br />1979. <br />Edna L. Sarner, Clerk - Treas. <br />March 7, 1979 <br />Minutes of Special Council Meeting held on March 7, 1979. No quorum was <br />present so meeting was held as a discussion meeting. The meeting began at <br />8:05 P.M. and was for the purpose of reviewing the City's insurance company <br />III as the City is presently dissatisfied with the service it is receiveing from <br />the Company. Members present: Mayro Harvey Karth and Acting Mayor Robert <br />Schneider. Council members absent; Mr. John McLean, Ricahrd Kulaszewicz, <br />and Richard Zelinka. <br />Mr. Schneider had previously contacted the following people in regard to <br />the City's coverage. Robert Kelly, insurance broker; Gary Bergland, Insurance <br />
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