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05/01/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/01/1979 Council Minutes
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12/9/2014 11:21:36 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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236 <br />April 23, 1979 <br />Mr. Zelinka said hw will dig for further facts, <br />Mr. Ulmer asked if the Council had confirmed North Central's right to his <br />plat? Mayor Karth said, Yes, providing Circle Pines and North Central <br />could agree on a plan. Mr. Ulmer asked why then does the Council feel <br />compelled to reverse their decision mow. Mayor Karth explained the <br />City had received a petition asking the Council to re- evaluate their <br />decision. <br />Mr. Ulmer said then he has two problems with the Circle Pines utilites. <br />They are cost and committment. Mr. Zelinka said he would have some <br />answers by May 1, 1979 Tuesday for the special meeting. <br />Mayor Karth reminded the Council of the May 1, 1979 special meeting with <br />the Police Advisory Board. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to approve checks #9603 through and including #9623. <br />Mr. Zelinka seconded the motion. Motion declared passes. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve requisitions #903 through and including <br />#907. Seconed by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed.. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to adjourn at1:10 A.M. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Aye. <br />These minutes were considered and approved at the regular Council meeting <br />held on May 14, 1979. <br />Edna L. Sarner,Clerk -Trea ill <br />May 1, 1979 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:05 P.M. by Mayor Karth. Council members present; Robert Schneider, <br />Richard Kulaszewicz and Richard Zelinka. John McLean was absent. Members <br />of the Police Advosory Board Present were Gunnar Kronholm, Al Ross, and <br />Jerry Peterson, the Representative from Centerville, arriving at 8:25 P.M. <br />Mayor Karth turned the meeting over to the Policl Advosory Board for <br />their recommendations. There was some discussion concering the relative <br />merits and comparitive costs of 16 and 24 hour police coverage, as well <br />as discussion on retaining our own local police coverage as opposed to <br />Anoka County police coverage. <br />Mr. Schneider pointed out that 24 -hour coverage is cheaper by the hour <br />than 16 hour coverage, but more expensive by the day. No cost figures <br />were available for 1979, although 1978 figures had previously been dis- <br />cussed. <br />Answering emergency calls in Columbus was pointed out as being an <br />additional cost to Lino Lakes. Columbus has no reciprocating police <br />service, as do Lexington and Circle Pines. Lino Lakes is also at pre- <br />sent paying a fee for the Anoka County police for services such as jail <br />staff and so on; this is paid whether or not there is a complete service <br />contract. <br />It was genera77y felt to be more effective to retain our present police <br />
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