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05/01/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/01/1979 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />May 1, 1979 '2 3 7 <br />force; Mr. Kronholm suggested that we do so, and take whatever steps were <br />necessary to strengthen and update it as far as making it as cost efficient <br />as possible. Mayor Karth mentioned that the new moving radar is an example <br />of a cost effective area. <br />Mr. Peterson, the representative from Centerville, indicated that Centervill= <br />is in favor of keeping the local police force as opposed to Anoka County <br />coverage. The Clerk read a letter from Tom Papin in relation to this as well. <br />The present size of the police force was also discussed; particularly as <br />to whether it is sufficient in regard to the area to be patrolled, the <br />population density, and the number of businesses and their location. <br />A recommendation to establish a permanent Police Advisory Commission was <br />made. Mr. Schneider strongly advised that the commission be continued <br />with the possibility of its being extended, and possibly taking in fire <br />protection as well as the police. Mayor Karth mentioned the possibility <br />of including civil defense with tis at a future date. The size of the <br />considered commission was debated, with suggestions of either three or <br />five members; it was also suggested that the Centerville representative <br />become a voting member. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved that the current advisory group board draw up plans <br />and discuss membership and possible candidates for a permanent police <br />commission for the Council to consider in June. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded, <br />and the motion was declared passed. May 22 was set for the next meeting <br />of the Police Advisory Board. <br />The relative merits and costs of gas line service from North Central and <br />Circle Pines was discussed, particularly in terms of gas costs and in- <br />stallation costs. Circle Pines Utilities ahve not yet replied to a letter <br />requesting information on their rates and installation charges, although <br />this had been sent some time ago. Reference was made to an article in the <br />Circle Pines newspaper concerning cost comparisons between North Central <br />and Circle Pines utilities. <br />In general, costs are difficult to compare because each company has diff- <br />erent types of charges and they also set them up diccerently. In addition, <br />clear information on current charges has been very difficult to get from <br />either company. In general, it was felt there was a lack of information <br />on which to base a decision. <br />The buy -back situation with Circle Pines Utilities was also discussed. <br />as well at the various accounting methods Circle Pines used to determine <br />the Lino Lakes part of the system. Gas availability was also a concern. <br />The idea of dividing Lino Lakes into two franchise areas was briefly <br />discussed. <br />Mr. Ulmer, a resident of Circle Pines, was concerned over the installation <br />charges on new homes bieng built in the Lino Lakes area. <br />Mr. Schneider moved that the Council set a special meeting for 1:00 P.M. <br />Friday, May 4, to decide on this question; both companies would be asked <br />to provide figures on their current rates, user service fees, minimum <br />charges per household, the graduated costs per hundred cubic feet, and <br />theri hook -up charges. If either company is unable to provide current <br />figures, the Council will no longer consider them. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. Also for consideration at this <br />special meeting'is the buy -back situation with Circle Pines. Mr. Zelinka <br />
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