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05/29/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/29/1979 Council Minutes
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12/9/2014 11:22:52 AM
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12/9/2014 10:17:21 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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256 <br />May 31, 1979 <br />perhaps this should go through Personnel Commission, but Mr. Zelinka <br />felt they should be informed of a possible change as a courtsey. <br />There was discussion of the long term disability coverage with Mr. <br />Keeney feeling this package would insure that employees would receive at <br />least 2/3's of their salary and if a person was injured on the job, <br />workers comp whould pick up the remaining 1/3. <br />There was some discussion of a change in the wording of the Police <br />contract to read 'take home salary' also the salary should hold at the <br />range at the time of the occurance. <br />The Clerk was isntructed to forward a copy of the Police Contract to <br />Mr. Kelly. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. <br />These minutes were considered and approved at the regular Council <br />meetinggheld on June l., 1979. <br />41,1t.„244.A.1 <br />Edna L. Sarner, Clerk- Treasurer. <br />May 29, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:00 P.M. on May 29, 1979, by Mayor Karth. Council members present; <br />Kulaszewicz, McLean. Schneider, Zelinka. Absent; none. Mr. Locher <br />and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes of May 14, 1979 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kuaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />1 <br />The Clerk presented the following items for. ?Council consideration: <br />..A petition from land owners along Andall Street for the durfacint of <br />that street. Mr. Gotwald hand been contacted and he and told the owners <br />that since this is a private street, the most feasible method of taking <br />care of this matter would be to do it privately and then deed to the City. <br />The Council requested that Mr. Gotwald do a preliminary feasibility report <br />on this. <br />..Mr. Gary Disckson, of Shoreview, had ocontacted the office with the <br />information that the June 5, 1979 special meeting is not possible for <br />that Council They have a previously scheduled meeting. He had suggested <br />June 13, 1979. The Council was in general agreement with this date. The <br />Clerk will contact Mr. Dickson with this new date. <br />..Lt. Jorgenson, of the Lino Lakes Correctional Facility, had been in <br />the office this date and had presented agreement with the City's request <br />to fence the proposed firing range. The ragne will be moved back from <br />the street and the firing will be over the pinding area and teh area will <br />be finced with an 8' fence. Mr. McLean moved to approve this proposal <br />with the above specifications. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion <br />declared passed <br />..A11 members have copies of the letter from Mr. McShannock, as does <br />the Police Department. <br />Mayor Karth reported that Ms. Chalmers, Mr. Kirschabums; Attorney, will <br />not be present. <br />He reported that Ms. Angela Anderson, of the DNR, will be at the next <br />
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