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07/10/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/10/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Clerk reported that Cecil LaMotte had contacted her in regards to seeding the park in <br />LaMotte's Second Addition, and that he had plowed and disced the ground, but still <br />IIIfelt that the Village should seed the grass. Minutes from August 23, 1971 were read <br />which noted in part that Mr. Gotwald would contact him on this. Mr. Gotwald stated <br />that he had not been instructed to do so. There was some discussion. Mr. Locher noted <br />that there is no specific requirement in Ord. 21B that dedicated park land must be in <br />grass. Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize Mr. Gotwald to negotiate with Mr. LaMotte on <br />seeding the grass, but that he is to do so on a routine basis, not to make a special <br />trip. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried. <br />IIIMr. Cardinal informed Mr. Jaworski that the cost of the soils map the Watershed was <br />having made up would be $0.30 per acre. <br />Clerk reported receiving a credit memo for $38.85 from Display Sales after writing <br />check #4592 to them. Mr. Marier moved to write a new check to Display sales. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Clerk stated that the Lino Lakes Lions Club requested a 3.2 beer permit for August 13th <br />from Noon to 8.P.M., for a snowmobile race to be held at 4th Ave. and Main St., and <br />that they would submit an insurance certificate. Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize the <br />permit providing they provide the insurance. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. There was <br />discussion as to location and noise with Lee Robinson. Motion carried with Mr. Jaworski <br />abstaining. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that a group of fellows were going to get together and paint the <br />skating rinks at no cost to the Village, using the paint we bought. He didn't know <br />if they would get the bleachers done. <br />Mr. Cardinal noted there would be a hearing of the Rice Creek Watershed Board on <br />July 19th at 7:30 P. M. in Centerville on adopting rules and regulations. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had been asked by the Pastor of St. Joseph's Church to <br />request a 3.2 beer permit for August 13th for their annual chicken dinner, as well <br />as a bingo permit for that day and the rest of the year. Mr. Cardinal moved that the <br />beer and bingo permits be approved. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that they had missed two streets in the resurfacing program, <br />namely Aqua Lane and 64th Street, and stated that he would like Mr. Gotwald to draw <br />up cost estimates so we can be ready to have the work done by the time the strike <br />comes off. Mr. Marier moved to authorize Mr. Gotwald to do so. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had talked to Calvin Rolstad concerning his bill for the <br />4 hours he spent on Holly Drive with his tractor: Mr. Rolstad felt he should receive <br />$10 per hour. Mr. Jaworski had checked the records and found that we paid $7.50 <br />per hour for man and tractor to cut weeds. Mr. Jaworski moved tp Pay Calvin Rolstad <br />$7.50 per hour for these 4 hours he used his tractor dragging along Holly Drive. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Mr. Marier asked that we refrain from that type of thing <br />in the future, that any such work to through the Council first. Mr. Jaworski said he <br />would talk to Roy. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen mentioned that Pine Street is in bad need of grading. Mr. Jaworski noted <br />IIIthat it has had heavy traffic due to the horse shows. <br />Mr. Marier asked if there had been any progress on either Holly Drive or Peltier. Mr. <br />Locher stated that they were still working on the Peltier survey, but had run into <br />snag: there will be one land- locked piece of ground, which means involving an extra <br />deed on Mrs. Eilhelmy's part; she may also end up with a strip of property between the <br />road and the Waterworks property. <br />
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