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07/10/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/10/1972 Council Minutes
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29G <br />7/10/72 <br />They Have had many problems working with the legals, but he felt they would have details <br />complete by the end of the week. Mr. Jaworski said we could move on the work shortly <br />after that. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Locher if we had got certified on the sign ordinance. Mr. Locher <br />said he had a call from Ed Wasik who stated that there are some sections of the <br />Ordinance they want changed, but he gave no details. Mr. Locher had asked Mr. Wasik <br />if he would come out and talk to the Council on this -- he was willing to do so. <br />Mr. Locher had told him we don't want to weaken the ordinance. Mr. Locher will call <br />him tomorrow. <br />Mr. Marier said he had a call this past week on a question of whether a permit should <br />be issued for garage sales. He said a study had been made showing that 100 such sales <br />are held in Lino each year; if we charged $5.00 for a permit this would bring in $500. <br />He noted that antique dealers felt such sales were lucrative, some parties do this <br />every other month or so, that people who pay for business licenses and commercial <br />property feel it is unfair for individuals to be able to conduct these competitive <br />sales without paying a permit fee. <br />Mr. Marier felt the fee should be charged for a particular sale or a certain location <br />even `if'the sale lasted for several days. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if this was to be for income or a nuisance to individuals? He noted <br />that sometimes people ,leave signs up, and he would agree to this if it would insure <br />that they take the signs down. He commented that we are here not to burden people but <br />to see that people don't burden others. He asked of this concerned foodstands also. He <br />would like to see the fee returned if they cleaned up. He noted that too much govern- <br />ment is not good, but those who use the roadway for signs should be required to clean <br />them up. He stated he had no objections to someone setting up a tomato stand, and <br />suggested that persons might pay a $10 deposit for a sale, this being $5 for the permit <br />and $5 towards cleaning up, which could be refunded. He wondered if this couldn't <br />be put in an ordinance to regulate everybody. <br />Mr. Jaworski wondered if we are trying to cut down on competition. He felt we could <br />charge a fee only on a regulatory basis, not to raise money. <br />Mr. Marier noted that some people think of it as a nuisamce, we ljave a place to keep <br />clean and we have to pay to do that. We require this from any one in business. He <br />noted that he was not talking only about garage sales. <br />There was discussion. Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. <br />anything on this; Mr. Locher was willing to <br />Mrs. Bohjanen commented that the Council had <br />business and had gotten no where yet. If we <br />license garage sales and roadside stands. <br />Locher if any other villages have done <br />check. <br />talked about an ordinance on licensing <br />don't license businesses, we shouldn't <br />Pete Scherer noted that a bill being drawn up for the State to license these sorts <br />of sales is being pushed by antique dealers. <br />Glenn Rehbein noted we would have no end to what we could license, such as selling <br />cars and sod by the road. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt we had a nuisance ordinance which we could use, and that such mew <br />regulations might be equitable if people have a sale for a week with things on a <br />consignment basis for making profit, but not for those who have single sales or <br />small neighborhood sales. He felt we should table this for a couple of meetings <br />and see if we get any response. He asked if we had lid any problems with groups <br />posing as neighborhood sales and was told no. <br />
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