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07/24/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/24/1972 Council Minutes
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7/10/72 <br />M. Jaworski moved to pay bills #4570 -4599 with the exclusion of #4592. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Carried <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 11:09 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Aye. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of July 24, 1972 „ <br />Clerk -Tre = urer <br />7/24/1972 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on July 24, 1972, <br />was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Trusteed present: Cardinal <br />Jaworski and Marier; absent: Zelinka. Also present: Attorney Locher and <br />Clerk- Treasurer Mrs. Emerton. <br />Mr. Marier moved to accept the minutes of the July 10th minutes as written. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Clerk reported receipt of the following items: <br />1. Homestead tax credit in the amount of $8,450.75. <br />2. State aids in the amount of $12,115.77. <br />3. Municipal court fines in the amount of $7.50. <br />4. Letter from North Central stating they would not serve the Shenandoah <br />plat with natural gas on the internal streets this year. <br />5. Letter from Hugo on the maintenance of Elmcrest St. (24th Avenue). <br />6. Metro Council notice of review on White Bear Lake Twp. comprehensive <br />plan. <br />7. Letter from Chas. Cape, CD Director, regarding a search made for two <br />boys on the night of July 19th. Mr. Bohjanen commented that he had <br />had no idea of the urgency of the matter until late in the evening, <br />and then had decided to call out the CD to attempt to find them. <br />The boys had been gone most of the afternoon and evening, and were <br />found in Lexington. <br />8. Letter from NSP noting that they have been unable to read the meter <br />at the pumphouse and would like some arrangements to be made. This <br />was discussed. On Mr. Locher's advice, Mr. Bohjanen directed the <br />Clerk to write a letter to U.S.Lakes Development Co. saying that they <br />are responsible for incurring all bills until the Village accepts the <br />project, and that.they.should see that NSP has a key for the meter <br />readers, and for others who must enter the building. <br />9. A letter from Lino Gun Shop noting that the Ithaca shotgun which was <br />recently repaired was badly worn, and offering to sell the Village <br />at dealer's cost a replacement Remington Mod. 870, 12 ga., 20" barrel <br />shotgun with rifle sights for approximately $94.00, variation due to <br />shipping charges. It was noted that this was the gun which had come <br />with the Centerville car. Mr. Marier stated that he would like to <br />inspect the gun before moving on it, and moved that we table the matter <br />until we look at the gun. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Clerk reported that Mr. Gotwald had requested that a special meeting on the <br />special assessments for Chomonix be set up as soon as Mr. Zelinks would be back. <br />It was decided to set the meeting for August loth at 7 P.M., and that the <br />Attorney, Engineer, Springsted, Inc., and the Jandric people should be present. <br />Mr. Locher noted that he had another commitment that evening, but that either <br />he or a representative from his firm would be present. It was felt we would <br />talk to the Auditor after the meeting to set up the bookkeeping. <br />
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