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09/11/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/11/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Mr. 'Wright , who was on the agenda to discuss Flood Insurance, was unable to attend. <br />representative from his office was scheduled to appear but was called out of town <br />on an emergency. Mr. Locher said he would reschedule Mr. Wright for the next meting. <br />Mr. Marier moved to put him on the next agenda. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported on the prices of chain link fence for one of the ball diamonds. <br />The Council felt that we must have formal bids since this was over the allowable cost. <br />Mr. Cardinal also reported on the work done at the Parks, the grass had been cut and <br />some of the painting done on the rink boards. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported on the roads. As soon as weather permits work will start on <br />Pine street. some of our equipment is there now and some of the work has started <br />but has been held up by the rains. This work is being done on e 50 -50 basis with <br />Columbus. He had contacted Hugo on the possibility of sharing the cost on 24th on <br />a 50 -50 basis with them. He had no answer since thay only meet once a month and <br />their meeting was being held tonight. Mr. LeValle, who is also in charge of raods for <br />Hugo, was in agreement with Mr. Jaworski and was to bring it before the Hugo Council <br />at this meeting. We would maintain north of Co. Rd. 14 and Hugo would maintain south <br />of Co. Rd. 14; it was also suggested that Hugo take care of Bald Eagle Blvd. and Rolling <br />Hills Drive. We would still inspect these roads. The south end of 24th has less than <br />2 miles and the north end has about 4 miles. There was no contract price discussed. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked who does the negotiating. He was told this waald be done by the <br />Council and that the agreement would be similar to the one with Columbus. Mr. Jaworski <br />said he should have the answer by the next meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had contacted the Electric Company to remove the trees <br />on the Wilhelmy property as there was some danger to the lines. So far he had no <br />answer from them. There is also a need for culverts on the road. A survey is needed <br />on Holly Drive before work can, begin there. Mr. Gotwald suggested a line stake survey. <br />They would locate the center line and the side lines. Mr. Gotwald said he could have <br />a crew in this week but would prefer about a 2 day notice so the stakes would not be <br />removed by children before the work could be done. Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize <br />Mr. Gotwald to make a line stake survey of Holly Drive. ,Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Locher will need the legal description of the lc tion of the road in order to <br />draft the deeds. Mr. Gotwald will get this information to Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. Marier asked about the road schedule; are we on schedule, behind schedule, or <br />ahead. Mr. Jaworski said we are as close as possible considering the rainy weather <br />and the strike. Mr. Marier requested a report for the next meeting. Mr. Jaworski <br />assured him that there would be one. Mr. Faymoville asked of there were any pins <br />for 82nd street. He was told at the present time, No. Mr. Jaworski said he would <br />take a look at it and write a letter. Mr. Bohjanen said he had a complaint on holes <br />on Linda and Laurene. Mr. Jaworski said he was there on Saturday but will re- check. <br />Mr. Peter soberer asked about 64th street. Mr. Jaworski assured him that the work <br />will be done this year as soon as possible. There was also a complaint on a water <br />hole on Vicky Lane. Mfr. Jaworski will have Mr. Backlin check on it. Mlr. Cardinal <br />asked about the bumps on Ware Road. Mr. Jaworski said they are waiting for a warm <br />day to use the roller and this should take care of the bumps. Mr. Zelinka asked about <br />the work on Sunrise. He was told that they are taking bids on the removal of trees <br />since some of them are quite large and this way it would insure that all the debris <br />would be removed at the same time. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Anderson appeared to complain about boats, trailers and trucks that are <br />parked on Lois Lane in connection with Luther's Sport shop. Mr. Anderson has had <br />his house for sale for 60 days and people can't even find their house because of the <br />misuse of the street. Mr. Bohjanen had tried to contact Mr. LeVesseur but he was out <br />
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