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09/16/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/16/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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9/14/72 <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the owners were dissatisfied with these plans, could they <br />talk to the company. Mr. Bush said Yes, the company would accept the responsibility <br />for the change. Mr. 7elinka asked Mr. Gotwald when the system would be ready <br />for acceptance by the Village. Mr. Gotwald said it is 99% complete; that there <br />is a problem with leakage at 2 manholes, but this was being stabilized with <br />iemicals and should be completed this week. <br />Mr. Benson said at the present time taht sewage is being pumped in fromt of his <br />home. Would it be pumped from the lift station when the Village takes over? <br />Mr. Gotwald said Yes; they are putting a road into the lift station and it should <br />be done in a week or so. Mr. Gotwald said the system should be completed and <br />ready for the Village Council to accept at their September 25th meeting. <br />Mr. Locher reported on the NEB meeting today. The capitol improvement budget <br />was approved which included the Lino Lakes - Centerville ,Sewer Interceptor for 1973. <br />This would seem to indicate that the Interceptor is still in the budget and set <br />for 1973 construction. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to reset the special hearing for U. S. Lakes for October 10th <br />at 8 :00 P. M. ,Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. Mr. Locher will check with <br />the Auditor as tothe date assessments can be _levied for this year. <br />Mr. Gotwald had checked with North Central about a tank and gas for the pump <br />house. He was quoted a cost of R11.00.:Utr. 7elinka moved to authorize Mr. Gotwald <br />to take care of this. seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Parried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to close the hearing at 9:35 P. M. Seconded by Mr. 7elinka. <br />Carried. <br />Minutes approved at the September 25, 1972 meeting. <br />Clerk -Tress er <br />September 16, 1972 <br />u. J <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village r'ouncil was called to order at 3:30 P.M. <br />September 16, 1972 by Mayor Bohjanen. Trustee present: Jaworski and Zelinka. <br />Absent. Pardinal and Marier. Mrs. . Sarner took minutes. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that notices of this meeting had been delivered to each Pouncil <br />member on Thursday evening, September 14, 1972, by the Lino Lakes Police Department. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to waive the 5 day waiting period. seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Parried. <br />Mr. 7elinka reported that the Council Members, Mayor and Personnel Commission had <br />met with Mrs. Emerton and they were unable to reach an agreement. Due to lack <br />of all members being present at the Special Meeting of September 14, 1972, the <br />three members present choose not to take action without the input of all Council <br />members. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that he must have a Clerk /Treasurer by Monday, September 18, 1972. <br />Mrs. Fmerton's resignation was effective September 15, 1972. Mrs. sarner had agreed <br />to serve as imterim Clerk /Treasurer. <br />Mr. Bohjanen had checked with Mr. Locher and there is no conflict with the <br />Clerk /Treasurer's office and her present position as Assessor. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to appoint Mrs. Edna Sarner to the office of Clerk /Treasurer of <br />the Village of Lino Lakes, to carry on all duties and functions of the office and <br />to authorize her signature on Village Checks and for the Raftey Deposit Box at <br />
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