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38 <br />9/16/72 <br />at the Centennial State Bank. The motion was amended to read "at the present <br />salary ". seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mrs. Naomi 7elinka adminstered the oath of office. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize Mrs. Sarner to secure a bond. Seconded by <br />Mr. 7elinka. Carried. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to continue the bond on Mrs. 1merton until such time as an <br />audit of the books has been completed and approved by the council. seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. carried. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to authorize the use of the Deputy clerk as the need arises <br />with a limit of 20 hours per week. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to authorize Mrs. Sarner to apply for a Notary Public Seal. <br />Secaided by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr, Jaworski asked Mrs. sarner if she would check with Mr. Schwartz at the <br />County Assessor's office as to the cost of the County doing the assessment <br />until the Village could obtain an assessor. <br />Mr. 7elinka moved to write Mrs. Fmerton a letter of Thanks. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 4 :20 P. M. Seconded <br />Minutes approved at the September 25, 1972 meeting. <br />Mr. 1elink- Aye. <br />. <br />Clerk - Treasurer <br />September 25, 1972 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Vi I lage Council was cal led to order by <br />Mayor Boh j anen at 8:00 P.M., September 25, 1972. Members present: Cardinal <br />Jaworski, Marier and Zelinka. Attorney Locher was present. Minutes were taken <br />by Mrs. Sarner. <br />The minutes of the September 11, 1972 meeting were corrected as follows: Page <br />5, 5th paragraph add "Mr. Marier asked Mr. Locher if the statues require us to <br />advertise for employment. Mr. Locher said Yes, that it was proper ". Mr. Marier <br />moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal . Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes of September 14, 1972 to canvass the <br />ballots as written. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried with Mr. Cardinal <br />abstaining. <br />The minutes of the September 14, 1972 Special Meeting were corrected as follows: <br />Add "latter" at the beginning of the last sentence of second paragraph. Mr. <br />Jaworski moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion <br />carried with Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Marier abstaining. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of September 16, <br />1972 as written. Mr. Zelinka seconded with Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Marier abstaining. <br />Motion carried. <br />The clerk read the resolution passed by the North Suburban Sewer Board. Mr. Marier <br />moved that we adopt the resolution. Mr. Cardinal seconded. Motion carried. <br />