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09/25/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/25/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />9/25/72 <br />The Clerk reported: <br />39 <br />I. There will be a special meeting of the NSSSB on Thursday, September 28, 1972 <br />in Fridley <br />2. She had received the printer's affidavit of publication for the special <br />assessment hearing for U. S. Lakes Development Co. to be held on October lo <br />1972. <br />3. The Village has received municipal fines in the amount of $442.50 <br />4. She had received the 3rd payment from the Government Aid Program in the <br />amount of $12,115.77. <br />5. The Village has received a copy of the minutes from the Rice Creek Water <br />Shed Board Meeting. <br />Mr. Bohjanen then called the Charles Leckie appeal for a variance to Ord. 21A to <br />order. Mr. Marier read the fegal description from the P &Z records. The P &Z felt <br />that it was no fault of Mr. Leckie's that the lot does not meet'the Village re- <br />quirements and he should be granted a variance. Mr. Marier moved to grant the <br />variance to Charles Leckie, Jr. Mr. Cardinal seconded. Carried. <br />Mr. Earl Kammerer's appeal for a variance to Ord. 21A was considered next. This <br />land was given to him by Mrs. Faymoville. It is land locked but at the present <br />there is no plans to build on it. It is just a matter of change of ownership. Mr. <br />Marier made a motion to grant a variance to Mr. Kammerer with the stipulation that <br />no building be allowed until a road is put in according to Village specifications <br />and dedicated to the Village. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Ervin Leroux's appeal for a variance to Ord. 21 A had been considered by the P &Z <br />board and they recommended granting the variance upon presentation of a certificate <br />of survey. Mr. Marier moved to grant the variance with this stipulation. Mr. <br />Cardinal seconded. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the work of the Open Space Commission. The Enviormental <br />Commission, The Park Board and the Planning and Zoning Board had met in working <br />sessions. The result of these meetings was presented in map form. Mr. Bohjanen <br />felt we should set an open meeting for the public to view this map and to express <br />their views. The meeting was set for October 2n, 1972, at 8:00 P. M. at the <br />Vi Ilage Hall. All papers are to be notified of this meeting. Mr. Marier felt that <br />the area included was a large area and that it contained some prime land that would <br />be taken off the tax rol Is. He has a counter proposal that he will present at this <br />meeting. Mr. Marier asked if anyone really knew why we are submitting this to the <br />County. Mr. Bohjanen felt that this was in compliance with the wishes of the <br />County to get the input from us in order to finalize their own plans. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported on correspondence he had received from the Enviormental <br />Commission. He askedthat the Clerk make copies for the other Council Members. <br />Mr. Marier asked what would be our imput to the County and what would they <br />do with this. Mr. Bohjanen felt this was a counter proposal to their plan. Mr. <br />Marier wondered if it would have any effect if we were too late with our proposal. <br />Do they have a deadline? Mr. Bohjanen said Yes, there is a deadline. Mr. Marier <br />felt that a letter should be sent saying that we are working on our proposal and <br />that we are in the final stages and our plans should be finalized by October 2nd. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked if there was 2400 acres on this map? Does the Council approve <br />of this much land being taken for Park purposes? <br />Mr. Zelinka said that this is not a final plan and that he thought she had heard <br />Mr. Marier say he had a counter proposal to this plan. <br />
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