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Go 6 <br /> February 12, 1973 <br /> Mr. Gotwald recommended the combination program. There was much discussion as <br /> to which streets should be included in which part of the program. Mr. Marier moved <br /> to surface all roads designated on the Village Map by Mr. Gotwald, with Road mix <br /> to include Pine Street and 24th Street and the short dead end streets to be seal <br /> coated. Glenn Rehbein asked if Ma.rshan Lane could be deal coated this year, <br /> Mr. Gotwald said that street was included in the mileage. Motion seconded by <br /> Mr. Cardinal . Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Locher reminded the Council of the meeting of Circle Pines on Wednesday evening <br /> at 8:00 P. M. on the gas problem. Mr. CArdinal suggested that the Council members <br /> meet here at the Village Hall as soon after 7:00 P. M. as possible and go from here <br /> to the meeting. Mr. Backlin asked if the Council would okay putting Mr. Cliff <br /> Hagen on a straight $4.50 per/hour salary instead of the split salary that he is <br /> now on . Mr. Cardinal moved to pay Clifford Hagen a straight $4.50 per/hour. Seconded <br /> by Mr. Zelinka . Motion carried. Mr. Cardinal asked a but Mr. Hagen working in the <br /> shop alone, what would happen or who would find him if there was an accident. Mr. <br /> Baclklin said if there is danger of a piece of equipment falling, then Mr. Hagen <br /> doesn't work on it until someone else is here. Mr. Myhre said that he is here most <br /> evenings and that the other patrolmen are in and out. <br /> Glenn RE,�be i n asked for permission to start putting in the sewer lines in the <br /> Shenandoah area. He said now that the Village owns a tanker, why can't their <br /> area be pumped as well as Chomonix? Mr. Locher said any lines we put in would have <br /> to be approved by the Metro Sewer Board. Also, the feasibility study by Carter <br /> wasn' t in yet but he thought it should be done soon. Mr. Rehbein will be asked to <br /> attend the meeting with the Metro Sewer Board along with the Vilalge Council . <br /> The requisitions were looked over and #192 for the transmission for `the Plymouth <br /> was questioned. The Clerk is to find the last bill , make copies of both bills, <br /> along with a letter as to the warranty on the last transmission they installed, <br /> sent to Chrysler-Plymouth. Mr. Ze I i nka moved to app rove requ i s i t i ons # 193-#206, <br /> Seconded by Mr. Cardinal . CArried. Mr. Cardinal moved to pay bills #4926-#4944 <br /> through #4975 inclusive. Seconded by Zelinka, carried. Mr. Cardinal moved to <br /> adjourn at 10:55 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Aye <br /> Minutes approved at February 26, 1973 meeting. <br /> Clerk-T easur r <br /> February 26, 1973 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order at 8:05 <br /> P. M. on February 26, 1973 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present: Cardinal , <br /> Marier, Jaworski . Absent: Zelinka. Mr. Locher was also present. <br /> Mr. Marier corrected the minutes of the February 12, 1973 meeting as follows : <br /> Page I , paragraph 4, next to the last sentence should read," there must be <br /> within 3 years a chain link fence with fiber glass strips." <br /> Page 4, paragraph 3, The motion by Mr. Marier should read, "to surface all <br /> roads on the Vi I I age map des i gneted by Mr. Gotwald." <br /> Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the minutes as corrected. SEconded by Mr. Marier. <br /> Motion carried with Mr. Jaworski abstaining. <br />