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03/05/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/05/1973 Council Minutes
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March 5, 1973 <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize Mr. Locher to meet with the MSB and re- <br />negotiate this agreement. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier broght the subject of the bonds and how are we to pay for them <br />to the attention of the Council. He asked the Clerk to Compute the <br />figures on how much we have spent, how much we have collected and how much <br />we have invested for the purpose of paying these bonds. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had taken the electrical specifications <br />to Mr. Rivard and Mr. Rivard had asked Northland Electric for a bid for <br />the electrical work necessary at the l i ft station. Northland Electric <br />said they needed more information and Mr. Cardinal felt that we might as <br />will forget about them. Mr. Cardinal also felt that we would be more likely <br />to get a more economical job from Batzli since they were the org i na l contract- <br />ors. He felt that we could ask for an itemized statement from Batzli as <br />to materials and labor. <br />There was discussion on handing out an open end bid such as this. Mr. <br />Zelinka said they would be glad to submit an itemized bid, but in order <br />to do that, they would have to send an engineer out to the project and <br />that would add aproximately $75.00 to the cost. He felt that the charges <br />would be fair and that the cost would be less than the $500.00 estimate. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to accept the bid of Batzli subject to an itemized listing <br />of materials used and hours spent. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried <br />with Mr. Marier voting, No, because of the open bid submitted by Batz I 6. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said he had several request for Mr. Gotwald to attend the <br />open meeting on the Blaine landfi 11 being held in the Centerville School <br />on Thursday evening. This meeting has been called by the Rice Creek Water <br />Shed District. <br />Mr. Marier questioned why our Engineer should be there. We have sent a <br />Resolution opposing the landfill and he felt that is all that is necessary. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that Mr. Gotwald would bean a position to present <br />evidence inopposition to the landfill. He asked Mr. Cardinal if he could <br />give any indications on the feelings of the District Board. <br />Mr. Cardinal said that the only concern of the Board is the protection of <br />the water, not whether the people did or did not want it there for personal <br />reasons. He said that if they can assure the Board that they can carry <br />through with the way it is set up, then it 'would be hard to turn them down. <br />He added thatthis was a personal opinion and not one of the Board. He said <br />that some people just don't want it there and there are some who just dont <br />care, the Board will be looking at the posibility of water pollution and if <br />this occurs, who cleans it up. Would the pollutants be removed or would the <br />whole thing simply be abandoned. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the main objection wasn't the possibility of Golden <br />Lake being polluted? Mr. Cardinal said, Yes. Mr. Cardinal explained the <br />plans for this landfill and how they plan for the control of the water in <br />order to avoid polluting. Mr. Cardinal said there wasn't to be any garbage <br />dumped. Mr. Jaworski disagreed with him, saying that the garbage from the <br />Twin City area is to be dumped here. He felt we needed our own Engineer <br />there to refute some of these claims. Mr. Jaworski moved to authorize Mr. <br />
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