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03/12/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/12/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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10 <br />March 12, 1973 <br />Mr. Locher reported on his conversation with Mr. Dougherty and then he <br />presented the figures that they will use in place of the $6,600.00 <br />offered in the first agreement. The MSB w i l l pay $2.00 per /thousand <br />gallons of sewage hauled, payable monthly upon receipt of an invoice but not to <br />exceed $12,000.00 for the year 1973. The contract will be renewed <br />annually until service is available in that area. <br />Mr. Jaworski questioned the requirement of going back and paying 2 <br />of the $275.00 for the homes that were already hooked up. He felt <br />that if this was required in that area, why not the entire Vi I l age. He <br />also questioned how much would be offered to help defray the costs for <br />the truck, tanker and construction necessary to to utilize this equip- <br />ment. <br />Mr. Locher s i ad the $275.00 covers the cost of the interceptor and <br />disposal units -this is to be no further charges from the MSB. He <br />also reported that some Federal Funds were available that had not been <br />ear - marked for a special project and Mr. Dougherty felt they could be <br />used for this project. Mr. Locher discussed the method of using the amount <br />of water used to tabulate the sewage since in-:the summer months the water <br />usage will rise but not necessarily the amount of sewage. Mr. Dougherty <br />said they will take the exact amount hauled if this canbe an accurate <br />tabulation. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if this $275.00 will cover the cost of the interceptor. <br />Mr. Locher said Mr. Dougherty had been emphatic on that point, there <br />wi I I be no other charges to the MSB. Mr. Locher had asked for this in <br />writing. <br />Mr. Zelinka also questioned the point of the present homes hooked up to <br />the systems being required to pay 2 of the $275.00. Does this also <br />mean homes with private sewer systems? <br />No, this only applies to existing homes hooked into the laterals and <br />building permits already issued this month. The Clerk said there had <br />been no building permits issued for March. The Village will pay Z of <br />the $275.00 for the existing homes hooked into the system and all new <br />bulding permits issued will pay the full $275.00. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Locher if he had understood Mr. Dougherty to say <br />that he would meet with the Council and present the stady being made? <br />Mr. Locher said, Yes, he asked the Coucil if they would like to meet <br />with him here at the Hall. <br />Mr. Gotwald said before they set a date to meet with Mr. Dougherty, he <br />felt they should hay a few days to study the report. This report should <br />be in the office by the end of the week. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Locher to consult with Mr. Dougherty and find <br />which dates would be convenient for him. Then we can set a date. He <br />asked Mr. Gotwald if he had seen copies of the maps accompanying the <br />report. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he had a glance at some maps but didn't know if they <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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