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04/09/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/09/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />April 9, 1973 <br />The Clerk reported that she had received the first Federal Revenue <br />Sharing check in the amount of $5,515.00. The local board of Equal- <br />ization is set for May 9, 1973; she had received the minutes from <br />the Rice Creek Watershed Distric and the N.S.S.S.B. Also a notice <br />of the N.S.S.S.B. meeting of April 12, 1973. <br />She had received a request for a Bi ngoPermi t form the Lino Lakes <br />Parents Club for April 13, 1973. The time would be from 7:00 P.M. <br />until about 10:30 or 10:45 P.M. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to grant the Special Permit for Bingo. Seconded <br />by Mr. Marier, Motion carried. <br />Mr. Resch had requested the use of the Hall for an Athletic Assc.' <br />meeting on April 25, 1973. Mr. Jaworski moved to grant this request. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carr=ied. <br />Mr. Gerald Johnson of the Police Department appeared before the Council <br />to present a suggested design to be painted on the doors of the new <br />Patrol Car. The cost of hand - painting this emblem on both doors and <br />the word "Police" in 4" letters on the trunk was $100.00. This bid was <br />from the Beck Auto Body in Lexington. Mr. Zelinka moved to have this <br />emblem painted on the new car and instructed the policeman to enter a <br />requistion for the work to be done. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Mr. Marier <br />asked if this was for 1 or 2 cars. He was told just the new one for the <br />present. Motion carried. <br />Mr. John McLean and Mr. Joe Davis appeared in behalf of the Lino's <br />Club to present their plans for Lino Park. Enclosed with these minutes <br />is a copy of their proposal. The general concensus of the Council was <br />of approval. Mr. Marier felt that before the Council could give final <br />approval that this should go through the Park Board. We have these <br />bodies for a purpose and they should not be by- passed. The Council <br />agreed with him. Mr. Cardinal asked the Clerk to mail cards to all <br />Park Board members asking them to attend The meeting on April 16 to <br />discuss this Park proposal. Mr. Harold Lehman was in the audience and <br />Mr. Cardinal asked him to take a look at the plan and make his comments. <br />Mr. Cardinal also asked if he had talked to any other Park Board members. <br />Mr. Lehman looked the plan over and had no suggestions at this time and <br />he told Mr. Cardinal that he had not discussed this with any of the mem- <br />bers. Mr. Cardinal asked if Mr. Lehman had any objections to the Council <br />giving preliminary approval to this plan in order for the Club to get <br />started on the rough grading right away. Mr. Lehman said, No, that any- <br />thing that was done in the Park would be an improvement. There was dis- <br />cussion on the things that must be done immediatedly. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved that contingent upon approval by the Park Board, the <br />Village Council approve this concept and the investment of $1,600.00 <br />in this plan for 1 year. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried <br />with Mr. Jaworski abstaining. Mayor Bohjanen asked that the consideration <br />of the 2, 3, 4, years be put on the April 23, 1973 agenda. <br />Mr. Chuck Larsen appeared seeking a Liquor license for the operation <br />of the Blue Heron. Mr. Larsen has set up an apartment in the lower <br />119 <br />
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